Thanks, I definitely like the ideas. Ye, the sideboard definitely needs some love, as it is still what I had quite a while ago. Unfortunately, Circle of Affliction doesn't interact with Bitterblossom like you are suggesteing, since Bitterblossom is loss of life, and completely bypasses damage. That would be quite the interaction though, for sure.
May 1, 2015 2:43 p.m.
I really like the idea of blue splashing, now that you gave those as other options. Do you think Disciple of Deceit would be a powerhouse? Especially if I throw in some Bloodghast to pitch to him.
May 1, 2015 2:47 p.m.
disasterarea42 says... #4
Ah, that pesky difference between damage and loss of life gets me almost every time. Circle of Affliction just seems like a slight Extort variant, which wouldn't be great for this deck.
May 1, 2015 2:49 p.m.
disasterarea42 says... #5
I think that blue staples such as counterspells like Remand and Spell Snare and card draw like Serum Visions would be more useful than Disciple of Deceit, but if you find a free spot it would be a card to consider. I wouldn't rule it out, but I'm not sure how much this deck really wants a conditional tutor once per turn.
May 1, 2015 2:56 p.m.
also, the swords are mainly there to fight removal, but I guess Sword of Feast and Famine does have more synergy with the deck, Especially if I decide to go with recursion creatures and Smallpox like I am thinking with Disciple of Deceit
May 1, 2015 2:57 p.m.
disasterarea42 says... #8
It looks a little schizophrenic to be honest. You kinda look like you are halfway between two different decks, a B or UB rogue tribal deck and a resource denial deck playing off Smallpox and Bloodghast-type recursive cards. Both are valid decks, but an aggro creature deck doesn't really want to have to deal with giving up the tempo they have gained to Smallpox.
If it were me I would abandon the creature recursion/Smallpox resource denial and revert the deck to a mono black creature aggro revolving around rogues and make a second deck designed to play around the playstyle Smallpox encourages: denying options and attacking the mana base of the opponent. Of the two, I would put more work into the Rogues deck, since that is more of the type of deck I prefer to build and play.
As is, I can say right away you need more lands. I would have your bare minimum set at 20, and try to keep it at 22. You would want more than the 1 Watery Grave for your blue mana source, especially if you keep the blue splash. You might as well run the 4 Polluted Delta instead of the strange mix of fetchlands you have. It'll be cheaper money wise too.
May 1, 2015 4:16 p.m.
yup, the lands seemed a little on the not enough side, settled on 21 after some quick testing.
May 1, 2015 4:43 p.m.
after more playtesting, yeah the whole recursion denial thing has to go, too much inconsistency due to it.
May 1, 2015 6:19 p.m.
I didn't know Rogues where so cool. Now I want to build a Rogues deck.
May 17, 2015 11:32 p.m.
TheRoaringRegisaur says... #13
Nice! Have you looked at Suspicious Stowaway Flip?
disasterarea42 says... #1
Tribal loves it some Cavern of Souls,and this deck would be no exception. A playset of Caverns would help you splash blue fairly easily.
The sword of War and Peace isn't really doing a lot for this deck, I would go for Sword of Feast and Famine if you have to have the Swords at all. I would replace the Prickly Boggarts with 2 more Pulse Trackers, which gets you more damage through.
A card I would definitely recommend is Stinkdrinker Bandit. You should be able to pay the prowl cost, and it will help get even more damage through.
If you do add blue, Invisible Stalker, Pestermite and Thieves' Fortune are all cards to seriously consider.
Your sideboard is a crazy mess. You also have mostly one-ofs, and you would not likely draw or notice them post-board. Circle of Affliction doesn't do a lot outside of casual play, although its interaction with Bitterblossom is kinda cute. Cloak and Dagger is okay, Damnation is always good, and Drown in Sorrow is good in most decks, although I'm not sure about this one. It seems like that would kill most of your guys but would not guarantee a kill on many Modern powerhouses like Tarm, Spellskite, or Tasigur.
May 1, 2015 2:21 p.m.