I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid you can't do that.
SCORE: 802 | 357 COMMENTS | 71698 VIEWS | IN 167 FOLDERS
JexInfinite says... #2
A hell lot easier to get the cards, too. I can't find many sellers of original Graves and Crypts. The Jeskai coloured ones are mostly everywhere, though. Foundrys are probably the hardest to get a hold of. I'll get extended Elyzes and full art Helixes shortly after I get Scalding Tarns.
4 Paths is brilliant. Never looking back, even if I was doubtful before. This deck has the best removal.
August 21, 2015 9:19 a.m.
I like the straight Jeskai list :)
Any chance you could find room for a couple Think Twice?
August 22, 2015 2:47 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #4
tclaw12 Shadow of Doubt is acting as 1 Think Twice, but for the second, you could take out a Clique. I'd advise against that, because Clique is great disruption, but some people just don't want it, which I find strange.
August 22, 2015 2:53 a.m.
majerkowski says... #6
I'm learning how to play with control decks because I always had more aggro/combo decks but control is more interesting. So, why in most recent decks no one use Counterspell? example Mana Leak is useful in early game but Counterspell it would not be more appropriate in any phase of the game than others spell counters? 2B mana aways will have in manapool. Thanks.
August 31, 2015 10:26 a.m.
majerkowski: The reason it's not run is because it's not Modern legal.
August 31, 2015 10:29 a.m. Edited.
majerkowski says... #8
I know it. But all you here seems to know about control decks, and i asked because i just dont see counterspells in any type of decks =\
August 31, 2015 10:32 a.m.
The card Counterspell only really gets run in commander as a format. Modern and Standard can't run it (short of a reprint). And as for legacy and vintage, well they would much rather run counters like Force of Will or Daze or Spell Pierce, or in vintage specifically due to Mana Drain being strictly better.
It does get run as a staple in most blue commander decks though, but other than kitchen table that's about where it stops.
The jeskai build looks nice btw. I think splashing for a fourth colour is a bit of a stretch and the deck seems more consistent bow. Also, since you've freed up your mana base slightly, I would highly recommend Desolate Lighthouse as a one off. Nothing better than pitching a land to rip a topdeck Cryptic Command.
August 31, 2015 10:45 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #11
enpc Yeah, I'll be getting a haul in soon, and will probably replace the Tec Edge with a Loothouse. I could replace my GQs with Tec Edges again, now that Tron has died down in popularity, but I think a 1-1 split is best to be safe.
September 1, 2015 3:18 a.m.
You probably could lean entirely towards GQ. that or throw a few Fulminator Mages / Sowing Salt in the SB. Also, it's probably less relevant here but I've been really impressed with Slayers' Stronghold as a one off.
September 1, 2015 3:37 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #13
If I were running Restos and Ojutai, Stronghold would be absolutely amazing. It's very impressive in Geist builds, and would certainly hold up in creature heavy builds.
I'm reasonably unimpressed by Sowing Salt. I can't apply any amount of pressure before then like Jund can, so I can't abuse it as much. Fulminator Mage is definitely hard to cast, and a corner case. I love it in Grixis because of K Command, but without that, it feels hard to justify over just more GQs. I haven't been seeing much Tron at all in my meta.
A major bonus with GQ is that it's a Strip Mine with Shadow of Doubt.
September 1, 2015 3:42 a.m.
skeletonkey8 says... #14
+1 Well done
I just want to say that this deck was my first experience with control decks. I am unbelievably happy with the way this deck plays. I have only lost 1 of my 6 games and that was mirror match, DIRTY BLUE PLAYERS!!!!!
September 8, 2015 3:03 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #15
skeletonkey8 Be sure to tweak the sideboard to your needs. Each player requires a different 15 for their meta, or personal tastes. Glad you enjoy spreading the love of interactive Magic and nasty counterspells.
September 8, 2015 5:06 a.m.
Wow, you've almost reached Swarm's score. You'll have passed it soon.
September 16, 2015 12:27 a.m.
Wolfgang69 says... #17
Don't you think running Path to exile and mana leak both in the main board is a little bad mixing? I mean path gives them more land to pay for leak I think it's a bit counter productive No pun intended
September 24, 2015 3:29 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #19
Sabertooth91 I like it vs Tron. My meta doesn't have much Tron, so I don't need to worry about it. At a large event, I'd definitely pack 1 out of respect. Generally, at the LGS I'd just concede that tron is a bad matchup, and not use any sideboard slots against it.
November 6, 2015 6:47 a.m.
Yes it is. If the game goes long they cast Emrakul and auto win. It's a horrible matchup for a control deck that has no quick ways to win.
November 6, 2015 1:23 p.m.
ChiefBell It's not a good mach up, but you have a good shot a it. I beat it more often than I don't.
Often 2-0, thought mostly 2-1.
November 6, 2015 4:13 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #23
Kjartan ChiefBell Tron is a pretty miserable matchup. You need to play really aggressively with burn spells and Snaps for any hope of winning. If I saw a heap of it, I wouldn't be running this deck, but at the moment I've seen none at all. Crumble to Dust is probably a 2 of if you want to include it. We can stop a T3 Karn pretty easily, and proceed to screw their mana over.
November 6, 2015 8:01 p.m.
Sabertooth2091 says... #24
JexInfinite what do you think of the this list. You got a great list +1 from me. [http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/06-11-15-jeskai-control/]
November 6, 2015 8:26 p.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #25
If you need more later spels/diversification I could see a singleton Ojutai's Command. It can get back Snapcasters to hit another spell, Skites if you need to redirect something, it counters stuff, and, at worst, it can cantrip and draw you a card.
Good list tho.
bijschjdbcd says... #1
Probably for the best.
August 21, 2015 9:13 a.m.