Glissa's Necronomicon

Commander / EDH* NiTRoBoX


dantecrimson says... #1

I would absolutely run Thornbite Staff and I would also consider running cards like Silklash Spider instead of arbor colossus and trestle troll, as it will hit all their flyers and still has 7 defense reach. Sign in blood and the like are more short term, throwing in a Phyrexian Arena should be more consistant, and with Glissa I would throw in some fun artifact recursion like Plague Boiler or Mindslaver. Hope these help.

June 8, 2015 3:43 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #2

dantecrimson Thanks for your comment, I like Silklash Spider I will get one for sure.

isn't Phyrexian Arena risky? or as you have 30 hp its will be fine as I don't have ways to heal..

I also thought about the next cards though I don't have any of them..

Deadbridge Chant
Deathreap Ritual
Executioner's Capsule
Golgari Charm
Grave Titan
Loxodon Warhammer
Phyrexian Revoker
Ratchet Bomb
Treasured Find
Vampire Nighthawk
Victim of Night
Birthing Pod

June 8, 2015 4:18 a.m.

dantecrimson says... #3

You should be fine with phyrexian arena, the card advantage is worth more then the slow trickle of live, as for your cards all of them look good except for birthing pod. I've always found that card too complicated.

June 9, 2015 3:42 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #4

dantecrimson Well I think it could work with artifact creature and Glissa's ability will need to
try and see :) any better suggestions for 1-2 drops?
Phyrexian Arena is quite costly for me atm, but I'll keep it in mind and maybe acquire it next month.

June 9, 2015 3:34 p.m.

dantecrimson says... #5

You could always use Nihil Spellbomb as a substitute for a recurable draw mechanic, plus you get to mess with their graveyard. as for 1-2 drops Shriekmaw is always a fun one, there are also a few reanimation spells if you'd like to go that route like Animate Dead or Dance of the Dead. If you're thinking more artifacts/creatures then Altar of Dementia so you can sac your guys and mill yourself even more, or Copper Gnomes so you can cheat in an artifact from your hand that cant be counterspelled.

June 9, 2015 5:27 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #6

dantecrimson thanks for the suggestions,
I will acquire:
Nihil Spellbomb, Shriekmaw, Shriekmaw, Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead.

I'm thinking that I should change the next cards to something else:

Ghoultree maybe for Sorin's Vengeance
Slagwurm Armor for a better equipment. Maybe one with Vigilance.
Eternal Thirst for a better enchantment maybe for Animate Dead or Dance of the Dead.
Copper Myr for a different artifact creature.
Trestle Troll for a different creature.

June 10, 2015 9:14 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #7

I've made quite many changes I think its better now would like to get some more comments :)
Thank you dantecrimson you did help me quite a lot :)

June 10, 2015 11:14 a.m.

kkelsey says... #8

The first thing you need to do is consider what exactly you want this deck to do. Right now it looks like some of the cards in here don't mesh with each other, and it doesn't seem like you're taking advantage of Glissa as your general.

What I would do is think about how you want this deck to play. Since it's your first Commander deck, you'll need to understand that cards like Viridian Bow aren't going to cut it in a format where everyone starts at 40 life and creatures are often much bigger than 1 or 2 toughness. With Glissa as my general, I'd think about running a deck that is sort of a toolbox for all kinds of different artifacts that you can sacrifice to do different things, or that have abilities that trigger when they come into play. You'd of course also need to be running a lot of removal to guarantee that people's creatures will be dying en masse. I like your use of Executioner's Capsule and Nevinyrral's Disk, for example, but I don't think Witchbane Orb is the kind of card you'll want to use in a deck like this.

Alternatively, if you're simply looking for a Green/Black deck that runs big creatures and kills with combat damage with removal as support, I'd recommend changing the general. There are quite a few good Green/Black generals out there that work much better with a creature theme than Glissa does. Savra, Queen of the Golgari is a great choice if you plan on sacrificing your creatures a lot (Ghoultree would work well in a deck like that, as would token generators). Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is also a solid pick.

I agree with the previous commenter that Phyrexian Arena (or a similar card or cards) is a necessity for this deck, no matter what you plan to do. Card advantage is a must for Commander. I'm not sold on Silklash Spider, though; I'd rather just play a creature with flying and have removal to back it up.

June 15, 2015 10:45 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #9

kkelsey thank you that is the kind of comments I was hopping to get :)

Thornbite Staff and Viridian Longbow when equipped to a creature with Deathtouch is killing machine
as the 1 point of damage will be counted as Deathtouch damage. That the reason I've put both.
But I guess I need more creatures with Deathtouch for maximizing the use of it..
I didn't know it work that way but I read about in different places and it does.
Quite interesting thing actually so basically if the creature has poison or other type of damage
it will work too..

As for Witchbane Orb that the only way I know to protect my graveyard from being removed, as you stated
right I need to use more of the Glissa's ability so I need my graveyard un-touched.I agree on the part that it is quite hard to tell what is the creatures synergy in my deck, I tried to make
it work even without Glissa as I've read that there is a lot of gravehate in EDH so many
graveyard removal..
If you can please suggest any good artifacts as I don't know many :S those I found I've added..
Like you suggested that have abilities that trigger when they come into play.

I will try to get Phyrexian Arena when I can :/ I agree it will be a good addition. That what lead me to adding Blood Scrivener, Soul of the Harvest, Harvester of Souls basically, although
it might be not enough\or too late as they cost 6 mana.
And I've put a side Silklash Spider for the moment as I've replaced it with other creature.
Again thanks for the comment much appreciate. Thank you for your time :)

June 16, 2015 1:25 a.m. Edited.

NiTRoBoX says... #10

I've divided the deck to two custom categories those I sure want to keep and those I'm not sure. hmm

June 16, 2015 1:41 a.m. Edited.

kkelsey says... #11

You're right about the thornbite staff being good with deathtouch. I still don't like Viridian Longbow because it's too slow. Either way, you'll need more deathtouch creatures in your deck to justify running either of those things.

You have a good point about the Witchbane Orb, I guess; I've just never seen any need to run it even in a deck that does use the graveyard. I suppose it depends on your environment; if every single player is running graveyard hate, then the orb would be good to have. Otherwise you can probably get away with not using it as long as your deck can rebound from being Bojuka Bogged once in a while.

As far as good artifacts to run, I'd do a Gatherer search for artifacts that sacrifice to do something. There are a ton. I would definitely run way less Equipment unless you plan on the deck being more about creatures and less about Glissa's ability (in which case, like I said, you should use a different general).

June 16, 2015 8:27 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #12

kkelsey I must say I didn't find any artifact with good effect when it enters the game.. :/
but I did few changes and got Phyrexian Arena :D
so I made the next changes:
-1x Swamp = +1x Phyrexian Arena
As I have now Phyrexian Arena and few more ways to get mana\lands I think I will be ok with 38 lands.

-1x Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief = +1x Sidisi, Undead Vizier
I wanted more Deathtouch creatures plus tutoring is always nice.

-1x Golgari Charm = +1x Sudden Spoiling
Not sure about this changes will need to try and see both can be useful so hard to tell..

-1x Perilous Myr = +1x Solemn Simulacrum
I think Solemn is much much better even that it cost more mana.

-1x Wall of Tanglecord = +1x Deadly Recluse
Reach+Deathtouch I like it more.

-1x Gleancrawler = +1x Visara the Dreadful
Visara is flying and killing.. I like it more :3

what do you think about those changes?
Again any comment\suggestion\critics are really needed and appreciated! thanks in a head for your time and help :)

June 17, 2015 1:18 p.m. Edited.

AtomusPrime says... #13

ok so the first thing I noticed is that there are plenty of cards in here that can start some nice infinite loops. However, you may need to beef up a few of your critters.

Here are a few suggestions off the top of my head, I will return with some nasty critters:

Reanimate This will be used as a secondary animate dead

Grand Coliseum Another Ping land for any color, cheaper than mana confluence

Crypt Ghast double swamp mana + Extort

June 17, 2015 3:23 p.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #14

Skullclamp is a must for this deck. Insane card draw advantage and recurrable with your general.

Since this is your first EDH deck, I'll try to explain my thoughts about why a couple of cards that you have in here aren't that great.

I dislike Dregs of Sorrow because of its limitation and it's costly and bulky. You have enough spot removal, so that's good. I'd suggest adding some board sweepers. Toxic Deluge or Damnation would be my go-to here, if you can afford it eventually. Black Sun's Zenith is another alternative.

In most cases, I would rather have Pernicious Deed than Gaze of Granite. In part because its cost can be split up between two turns if necessary.

Sorin's Vengeance gives you a net of 20 in life difference. I know this seems like a lot in EDH, but it's not. Some decks even use life as a commodity (such as Oloro, Ageless Ascetic). If you're dead set on something like this, I would try Sorin Markov. I've also found that Crypt Incursion can be bonkers in EDH, is very cheap to both play and buy, and can wreck someone relying on the graveyard.

Traveler's Amulet isn't that great. Expedition Map would be just awesome in here.

I think this is the wrong format for Witchbane Orb. The amount of hand removal is less in this format overall, but more importantly most people don't use burn as a win con. If this is a particular problem in your meta, then I understand your choice.

Indulgent Tormentor is weak in EDH. Your opponent will pay 3 life 99% of the time, unless they can't. Shadowborn Demon is a pretty sweet card that I think you could pull off in this deck.

Crocanura just isn't great. I think you have enough kill spells in here so that you shouldn't have to worry too much about flying. You could replace this with a utility creature such as Terastodon or Woodfall Primus. These two are also great targets for Animate Dead.

Some cool stuff I think you could try running:

Chromatic Lantern for mana fixing.

Golgari Signet for mana fixing. The Signets are actually very powerful in EDH, so much so that I run multiples in almost every EDH deck I have (if they are more than two colors).

Platinum Angel would be a lot of fun, although perhaps unnecessary.

You need sac outlets in here. They are important in most decks, but especially in yours. I would run Greater Good to help fill the graveyard and for card draw and Altar of Dementia. The Altar is an alternate win con and can make something like Solemn Simulacrum easily to abuse.

I think you could also use some equipment to both protect your general and to make sure she can get through and deal damage to recur your artifacts. I would consider adding in Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Whispersilk Cloak, and Filth.

To show how it can get out of hand fast, think of having Glissa equipped with Whispersilk Cloak. You have Solemn Simulacrum out equipped with Skullclamp. You also have Altar of Dementia on the field. Sac the Simulacrum, mill your opponent, draw your card, and then swing with the unblockable Glissa to get him back. Assuming you have 5 mana, you could do this every turn (and get a land each time he enters the battlefield).

Some tutors to search for your stuff: Demonic Tutor, Diabolic Tutor, Diabolic Intent

Eventually, I can see this deck at its best running most of the swords. Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of Feast and Famine, Sword of Light and Shadow.

I hope some of that helped as it took my a while to type it out. I touched on a lot of the cards and my thoughts surrounding them. I think the best direction suited for Glissa is lots of artifacts, especially ones you can abuse through returning from the graveyard. If you don't have the budget for all of this, then just try to acquire it over time. If you're more interested in sac effects, I would try Prossh, Skyraider of Kher or Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord.

If you're interested, I could also critique your land base.

June 17, 2015 3:39 p.m.

You can never go wrong with Grave Titan. Also, a lot of EDH players have a problem with not putting in enough creatures to help defend yourself vs aggro. I personally run about 30 creatures minimum to help against this, but depending on how your playgroup is you might not need that many. On the plus side, I like most of your artifacts. However, Golgari Keyrune and Witchbane Orb are the weak links, at least from what I can see. Spine of Ish Sah and Coercive Portal would be some replacements for them. If you have any questions, hit me up! I've been playing EDH for a couple years now and would be happy to help you with deck improvements beyond what I've said.


June 17, 2015 3:46 p.m.

AtomusPrime says... #16

If you are going to steal from graveyards, you should induse the usage of milling people out.

Mesmeric Orb anytime someone untaps anything, you mill that many cards, this will help you steal critters from graveyards & pull your infinite combo's faster by killing off your critters early game

Champion of Lambholt is doing you more harm than good in your deck my friend, if you want to attack people directly I suggest Siege Behemoth :) Champion of Lambholt is going to slow you down and is easy to kill.

Coffin Queen would be fun to use with Illusionist's Bracers Steal two creatures instead of one

Crocanura please no... no no no... pull more mana to use if you are going to use evolve. Use Gyre Sage

Harvester of Souls and Indulgent Tormentor cost far to much for their abilities, you need to run the game early in fr EDH, you should take advantage of double mana with Crypt Ghast and go for Pestilence Demon and Ob Nixilis, Unshackled This way you prevent your opponent from searching/tutoring and you can field wipe with a critter, which will then mass trigger Glissa. Also Consitor using Black Sun's Zenith with Necroskitter However thats a very unlikely chance to have both at the same time, instead take a look at Archfiend of Depravity or Massacre Wurm

IF you are looking to fully abuse the graveyard:

Grimore of the dead

Rise of the Dark Realms

Geth, Lord of the Vault

Lord of the Void

Yawgmoth's Will

If you consiter milling make sure you use an Eldrazi.

June 17, 2015 3:47 p.m.

AtomusPrime says... #17

You should have access to Joiner Adept + Prismatic Omen to fix mana.

June 17, 2015 3:54 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #19

AtomusPrime,Averymk9 and UpsetYoMama I really thank you guys for your time and effort!
You gave me a lot to think about it and that even more then what I was hopping for :) thank you.
It will take me some time to acknowledge this all, but the first things I will change are:
Champion of Lambholt, Crocanura, Indulgent Tormentor, Traveler's Amulet.

You have suggested many good cards, sadly most of them quite costly I will think what I need the most and acquire them over time I guess. ><

UpsetYoMama about the mana :D there are some lands I want but they are quite expensive,
I guess I can put Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth from my Queen of Entity [W + Splash B] deck as I don't want to buy another 10$ land atm >
< and I guess I need it here more then in my other deck.
again thank you I have read all the comments and will read again carefully and try to apply the suggested. :) I don't make changes to the list unless I've acquired the cards though >_<

June 17, 2015 5:11 p.m.

AtomusPrime says... #20

Well if you are limited on money, there is a way to proxy EDH decks, its frowned on, however, their are a few places that may allow you to use 2/3 proxies. In EDH format.

June 17, 2015 5:14 p.m.

AtomusPrime says... #21

Until you buy the real cards of course. May people Proxy out cards just to make them look cooler, however you must have the real cards on hand if a judge comes by.

June 17, 2015 5:15 p.m.

AtomusPrime says... #22

IF you need a deck to invest in getting more cards you should consider entering MODERN Tornaments with my 1 turn Eldrazi deck. You pull that eldrazi turn 1-3 it's basically game lol. You should win cards to sell so you can pay for the cards you need.

June 17, 2015 5:17 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #23

AtomusPrime there are not many places to play MTG in my country, and the few that exist play mostly commander\standard or drafts.. I want to play commander there so that is why I've build this deck :P
can you please explain about the infinity combos you have spoke before?
It has a nice combo of Birthing Pod + Coffin Queen as I can take enemy creatures and use them for
getting new creatures from the deck. Thought it will cost 5 mana per turn..
Reanimate I didn't know this card, adding it along the side with Animate Dead and Dance of the Dead can be good idea, or maybe instead one of them, will need to think about it hmm..

Crypt Ghast I wasn't sure I can use it in B+G commander as the extort have white symbol O_o

June 17, 2015 5:34 p.m. Edited.

AtomusPrime says... #24

You can use Crypt Ghast because it's a black creature, the symbols on the ability of the creature mean nothing for its ability to be in a deck. Same goes to land and such. The color of the card & Casting (CMC) has to match the commander.

The Illusionist's Bracers are one of several Artifacts that are heavily used to make infinite combo's. When you use Coffin Queen's ability you can instead pull two creatures back from a graveyard into play along with the birthing pod card. With the use of the card you own Thornbite Staff You can easily Sacrifice and freely untap and sacrifice until you have pulled every creature from your deck into the graveyard then you could use Mortal Combat To win the game. Another Combo is Thornbite Staff Which can be equiped to Glissa, Glissa has deathtouch, hence Thornbite Staff is pinging your foes creatures for instant Kills. You should consider Quillspike. Another Combo I'll post in a sec

June 17, 2015 5:46 p.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #25

Glad I could be of help.

Crypt Ghast is a strange card. Wizards more or less declared its legality in mono-colored decks when they printed it in the mono-black "Sworn to Darkness" EDH deck.

Basically, the rule is this: Extort has no mana symbols on the card (just the reminder text), so it doesn't make the card black/white.

June 17, 2015 5:51 p.m.

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