The deck can mill pretty fast, I'm tuning it to see which approach is best (Controlish-Aggroish).
It is decently competitive, and a lot of fun.
Fragmentize-Disenchant for Blood Moons, Leylines and stuff like that. 2/2 split to potentially avoid a Chalice of the Void in 1 locking me out of answers.
Hide-Seek is the answer I wanted for Emrakul! Pick it out of the deck pro actively, for less than infinite obliteration, AND gain 15 life as a bonus! 2 for the sideboard for sure.
The extra Crypt Incursions are because that's the card that let's you live long enough against aggro decks (and even some mid range ones)
I like Ghostly Prison better than Ensnaring Bridge for the sinergy with Orb, but Bridge can be a lot better against decks like Grixis Death Shadow. Just extirpate the Kolaghan's Command and lay bridge down.
Surgical Extraction vs Extirpate is another shifting decision. Being able to extract for 2 life is great, but not having to worry about counterspells or any interaction is great as well. Since our life total gets heavy hits from the fetches, I've been running Extirpate over Surgical, but it's a close call.
I have a lot of fun playing a less competitive version of the deck with Manic Scribes instead of Crabs and creatures like Wight of Precint Six and Jace's phantasm and Ashiok/Jace to hit delirium faster, if you want that decklist I can upload it.
Fraying Sanity from HOU is a card that definitely can change a lot in the deck. Once it's released I'll playtest different builds and we'll see exactly how good Mill can get.
Latest version has been doing great, put in thought scour for the initial turn/spare mana, having cantrips makes all the difference in the world. Extirpates and Prisons go back to the sideboard, and a couple of Breaking//Entering have been making my games more consistent.