


Aether Vial: Keep it at 3. Let's you cheat out spirits.

Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit: Buffs your guys when they come in. Works great with Collected Company

Collected Company: The reason this deck runs green. Lets you get more spirits. Really good if you hit Drogskol Captain or Selfless Spirit as it can give you some extra resilience.

Drogskol Captain: Lord effect. Gives hexproof. Is awesome.

Geist of Saint Traft: Lots of damage. Hexproof makes it hard to kill.

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner: Helps to prevent your creatures from dying.

Mausoleum Wanderer: Deals quite a bit of damage as it gets buffed when other spirits enter. Is a nice counterspell, dealing with instants and sorceries.

Nebelgast Herald: Flashing in spirits allows you to tap down the opponents creatures, preventing damage for you and potentially helping you get past any flyers.

Noble Hierarch: Ramp in all the right colours. Exalted is nice also, but not super important.

Path to Exile: Removal. Fairly self-explanatory.

Rattlechains: Saves the life of one of your spirits a lot of the time you'll just bring him in on turn 2 as a 2/1 flyer for 2 which is decent. Also gives your other spirits flash which is very nice, especially with Selfless Spirit.

Selfless Spirit: Protects your guys from board sweeps and combat tricks. Can be flashed in with Aether Vial, Collected Company and Rattlechains which makes for a nice surprise indestructible.

Spell Queller: Counterspell with a nice body. Awesome card. Gets rid of counter spells and often it doesn't matter if they get it back as they'll have no target.


Damping Sphere: Deals with tron and storm. The additional cost to spells doesn't really matter to us as we can flash in guys on their turn and on ours.

Detention Sphere: Gets rid of a non-land permanent and any duplicates. Really nice permanent removal for getting rid of annoying enchantments and artifacts.

Eidolon of Rhetoric: Wrecks storm. Does much the same as Damping Sphere in that match up but it can be cheated out with Aether Vial and Collected Company, or just flashed in with Rattlechains.

Kataki, War's Wage: Wrecks affinity. Can be pulled from the top 6 cards of your library with Collected Company and if you want to you can flash it out with Rattlechains. Harder to get out with Aether Vial as we want Aether Vial on 3 charges but you can use it while getting to 3 charges.

Leyline of Sanctity: Deals with burn and 8-Rack.

Pithing Needle: Helps in a lot of match-ups.

Rest in Peace: Gets rid of graveyards.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 1 year
Splash colors G

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

40 - 10 Rares

10 - 3 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.12
Tokens Angel 4/4 W
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