Note, the basis of this deck isn't mine and is based on a deck by PerfectChaos
infinite Combo = Infinite mana/mill (or burn)
Here is how the infinite mana/mill occurs.
Jeskai Ascendancy (JA) is the machine of the deck. You must have three things on board.
[On Board]
Jeskai Ascendancy
A creature, any creature at all
A creature that can tap for mana (preferably any mana)
[In Hand]
-Retraction Helix
[Either in hand or on board]
Tormod's Cryptor
Astral CornucopiaHere is what happens:
Play Retraction Helix targeting the non-mana producing creature
In response to the non-creature spell activating the JA trigger (untap creatures, +1/+1 and, optional cycle) tap the mana producing creature for any mana
All creatures will uptap
If you have Crypt of Cornucopia in hand play it for "0"
-The "XXX" cmc can be played for 0
(Optional step if either 0 cmc artifact is already on the field) When you play the either of the 0 cmc artifacts, the JA trigger will happen again, once again tap mana producing creature
At this point you have two floating mana (not really necessary at this point)
With the creature targeted by retraction helix, bounce the 0 cmc artifact back to the hand
Play the 0 cmc artifacts, the JA trigger will happen again, once again tap mana producing creature in response to trigger
This is an infinite cycle of bounce and play while tapping for mana
Here is how you win:
Every time you trigger JA, you can draw and then discard. You are drawing to Villainous Wealth. You can cycle until you draw one. Since you have infinite mana, you can deck them with it.Hope this helps.