The Elements Have Fangs~~1500+ views

Standard cutthroat_x


tempest says... #1

i assume this is the deck you were talking about. what specific questions did you have?

off first glance, i don't think Retreat to Kazandu and Zendikar's Roil need to be mainboard

October 10, 2015 8:34 a.m.

cutthroat_x says... #2

Just made the additions, this deck is similar concept and I really liked your ideas for Surrak Dragonclaw, Stubborn Denial, Kiora, Master of the Depths and See the Unwritten.

tempest, looking for opinions on mana ramp if you have test played it, creature choices, and my side board is iffy

October 10, 2015 1:10 p.m.

tempest says... #3

you're running a lot of creatures, so you might consider bumping See the Unwritten up one. also, with Shaman of Forgotten Ways, i think you can have 4 Woodland Wanderers. Sarkhan Unbroken will help with that too in addition to ramping/card draw. i'm not sure Embodiment of Spring is that relevant or if Heir of the Wilds and Sword of the Animist are necessary. you can probably drop those.

as for sideboard Jaddi Offshoot and Retreat to Kazandu are redundant. i personally like Retreat to Kazandu better. otherwise, try to limit the number of threats in your sideboard but rather have answers to your opponent's threats. Plummet is great for flyers especially with all the dragons from tarkir. maybe up the count of Zendikar's Roil since control decks have a harder time removing enchantments

October 11, 2015 7:25 p.m.

HeavyR says... #4

No Undergrowth Champion? I think the Dragonmasters and Heir of wilds would be better as Zendikar Incarnate or something with trample such as Grove Rumbler. Also, Beastcaller Savant over the Shaman if you want to be more aggro and less mid range.

October 12, 2015 1:44 p.m.

cutthroat_x says... #5


Thank you for the input. I've considered all those cards, dragonmaster provides cheap Dragon tokens and thunderbreak regent triggers from them.

Beastcaller I'm considering replacing rattleclaw, but shaman has better synergy with kiora. What's your thoughts on that?

Undergrowth Champion I like, but not sure where. I don't believe he should replace dragonmaster. I am on the fence, trading out heir of wilds. I've been play testing it but maybe dropping them And embodiment of spring for undergrowth?


Good points, I'll look for more situational drops to answer bad juju spells or creatures

October 12, 2015 8:24 p.m.

Moonbar says... #6

Have you looked at Greenwarden of Murasa? It's great with it's 6-drop that bring something back, and if you have two, then they never die! Also, what's your answer to aggro decks? By looking at this it seems like they either kill your ramp-y guys or hit you hard early, where you're an easy kill in the Midvale. I like Evolutionary Leap as a way to cycle those early guys out for bigger friends.

October 12, 2015 10:47 p.m.

wakawakawaka says... #7

What benefit is there to running tribal elementals over just rug goodstuff?

October 12, 2015 11:24 p.m.

tempest says... #8

omnath protection, but otherwise, the timmy sensation. but in all seriousness, midrange has a harder time against control decks, so having something like omnath, really screws with control players' strategy

October 12, 2015 11:29 p.m.

cutthroat_x says... #9

wakawakawaka what types would you suggest?

October 15, 2015 1:04 p.m.

The Hills Have Eyes reference. I can dig it. +1

October 17, 2015 8:20 p.m.

bobano says... #11

It seems like you and I had similar ideas on a deck like this. Temurmental is my take on it. I've found really good success with a couple Greenwarden of Murasa because it is a super good card to hit with See the Unwritten. The way the effects stack you can get it back to your hand, and you are then ferocious next time you cast it.

If you run Whisperwood Elemental, Rattleclaw Mystic, and Deathmist Raptor, then there is no reason not to run Den Protector, since the protector/raptor cycle is already established as powerful.

October 18, 2015 12:24 a.m.

cutthroat_x says... #12

bobano, I do not agree with the Den Protector. Is that card strong? Yes.

I just ordered my playset of raptor. My justification for not having den protector is there is nothing I want to replace. The raptor completes my build up combo, no longer will it be strong combo off omnath and my elemental.

What would you replace to put den protector in?

October 18, 2015 9:42 a.m.

bobano says... #13

I would cut Retreat to Coralhelm, Sword of the Animist, or Heir of the Wilds.

Retreat to Coralhelm seems pretty slow in an otherwise pretty quick creature based deck, it synergizes well, but in my opinion doesn't fit.

Sword of the Animist is in the same boat.

Heir of the Wilds is a good beater, but doesn't really further your overall goal of Omnath, Locus of Rageing the opponent into oblivion.

Den Protector gets back Deathmist Raptor without a Whisperwood Elemental out, can get back any dead creature or used spell or anything thrown away from a See the Unwritten, and can act as a decent bear in the match-ups that you would want a bear for.

If you had gone with Undergrowth Champion over Deathmist Raptor then I wouldn't push for Den Protector quite as hard, but with the raptor, it's almost a must.

In early drafts, I had all 3 of the cards I suggested removing, but they all just really didn't make the cut.

October 18, 2015 12:49 p.m.

toranoske says... #14

You may want to consider changing your mana base a little bit to include Flooded Strand, Canopy Vista and Prairie Stream to put in more land fall triggers late game while not giving up on color targets. If you don't have those you can consider Blighted Woodland which may be a better fit in this deck to help you with ramping.

Chandra's Ignition seems a bit slow and conditional for the matchups where it is good. Radiant Flames was a champ for me this past weekend and considering you can cast it for 2 of the 3 colors you can wipe atarka red board states while keeping all but your Rattleclaw Mystic alive and well.

October 20, 2015 2:04 p.m.

cutthroat_x says... #15

Why the plains in my deck?

I was considering craters claw, Chandras ignition, and radiant flames. Chandra ignition was the winner based on casting it on omnath and board wipe. Odds are I'll have4+ elementals and smash him in the face for 17damage.

Reasoning on lumbering falls is if they board wipe, I squeeze in another elemental

October 20, 2015 8:30 p.m. Edited.

bobano says... #16

He suggested those lands because Prairie Stream taps for blue, Canopy Vista taps for green, and Flooded Strand fetches either. You can add more fetches, resulting in more landfall triggers.

I think Radiant Flames suits the deck better than Chandra's Ignition only because Atarka Red and aggro G/R Landfall are going to be tough match-ups without it.

October 20, 2015 8:51 p.m.

cutthroat_x says... #17


Thank you for the Radiant Flames, it original didn't make the cut but, bobano helped me understand it better.

Completely dismissed atarka red at first, but researched it a little better and this should definitely help. Most likely I'll get a 3rd tonight and 3rd rending volley for sideboard.

October 21, 2015 9:34 a.m.

PlagueRats says... #18

This will be nuts every time it really gets going!

I think I would want 25 lands in this deck. I see you have enough ramp, but what if the opponent knows what your up to and kills your ramp right away? Kiora, Master of the Depths and Shaman of Forgotten Ways are big targets. Plus Omnath, Locus of Rage and Dragonmaster Outcast only care about land not ramp creatures.

Thunderbreak Regent Is the first thing I'd consider swapping. It really asks a lot of your mana base, if your going to keep it, I think you'd do better with four Cinder Glade's and consider some Wooded Foothills. You have to be careful not to take too much damage from your lands though.

I think you may be ok without Den Protector, maybe you should add the 4th Rattleclaw Mystic, but you have 7 cards that can play cards face down plus the 4 Deathmist Raptor's themselves which you can potentially afford to flip with 8 mana.

You could play Greenwarden of Murasa instead of See the Unwritten, I'm not sure which is reliably better.

You could move one Surrak Dragonclaw to the sideboard to make room for something.

Dragonmaster Outcast is such a crazy card, I haven't seen it in action yet, I guess you only play it early if you want to draw removal away from your other threats, otherwise your just holding it till your 6th land. Have you considered moving one or more to the sideboard? Or running 4 plus some more land?

Anyways, cool deck, good luck

October 22, 2015 11:49 a.m.

Abubroki says... #19

Have you thought about including Crumble to Dust and Oblivion Sower? If you land Oblivion Sower after Omnath and one Crumble to Dust you could land six 5/5 Elementals...

October 23, 2015 5:53 a.m.

cutthroat_x says... #20

PlagueRats thank you for the ideas. I already have wooded foothills. The idea of Dragonmaster Outcast is not to draw but get off Whisperwood elemental ability. Then flip for1mana. Otherwise he is bait for removal.

Greenwarden of Murasa I want in here but don't think unwritten is a good trade. They would be best paired together I believe. Just don't know where.

If I drop thunderbreak, I lost flying pressure. Synergy is great with outcast as well

Best deal outs get shaman turn3, turn 4 kiora and combo for either regent, Whisperwood or surrak.

Took out my 4th mystic, may put back but performs well with3. He is back up ramp to shaman and removal bait.

My land is well balanced, I want cinder glade but replace it where? Lumbering falls is very important for when I sideboard my stubborn denial and better then cinder glade.

Abubroki I really like that combo, but where do I fit that in?

October 23, 2015 1:30 p.m.

torimino says... #21

Having trouble getting the second red source for Thunderbreak Regent in tests. You are light on red sources. You might cut a Lumbering Falls and a forest for 2x Shivan Reef or a couple fetches that can find red sources. Other than that it seems okay. You need some removal pretty desperately if you actually want the deck to be competitive.

October 25, 2015 9:54 p.m.

cutthroat_x says... #22

Will reevaluate once new deck list comes through. Looking for reliableremoval and control I think

October 26, 2015 1:49 p.m.

lordmalphas says... #23

I recommend dropping 1 ramp target (likely a thunderbreak or whisperwood) for a 4th rattleclaw, as well as adding in something to either gum up the board or wipe it in the early stages (radiant flames or jaddi offshoot from the board). lastly, i would recommend dropping the fertile thicket for a blighted woodland, as that will perform much better late-game as both omnath fuel, fixing, and ramp. I concur about shaman. you should put him in over another thunderbreak, and you might want to throw ulamog in there for the hell of it (and because he wins in ~2 attacks usually, and 3 garunteed)

October 27, 2015 11:26 a.m.

cutthroat_x says... #24

lordmalphas what about Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip in this or nissa?

Thinking of adding more control to this deck

October 27, 2015 1:39 p.m.

lordmalphas says... #25

Nissa is a definite possibility, she gives you a land and her token is an elemental. Jace I would stay away from both because he is psychotically expensive and because his abilities do very little. In addition, he is going to be fairly hard to flip in this deck.

October 27, 2015 4:21 p.m.

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