I may be a little slow on the uptake, but after seeing some Mono U Tron lists post-OGW I've finally altered my list accordingly to make room for some sweet new cards.
First is Spatial Contortion, this colorless mana Nameless Inversion is perfect for U Tron since we've had a colorless splash built into our deck all along! It's like this mechanic was tailor-made for us! Now with OGW's colorless theme we finally have access to cards which can make this pay off. Spatial Contortion fills the long empty gap in our deck of spot removal; something only previously fillable by Dismember. Without having to pay life and at a the removal sweet-spot cmc of 2, contortion certainly pays off. It does wonders in our G1 against Affinity, Infect, Burn, Zoo, Elves, Merfolk, and all of the other Aggro-Combo decks that are and have always been a nightmare for Tron. As it isn't as effective at dealing with bigger threats as Dismember is we still run 1x Dismember in the sideboard for bigger threats: Restoration Angel, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, etc.
Also in is 2x Thought-Knot Seer; for me this was a an instant replacement for Solemn Simulacrum (which, despite its historical 2x slot in U Tron, had been a bad card for a while). Seer is much, much more proactive than Sad Robot, with a much bigger body and gives us access to hand hate we've never had before. Although Solemn helped us ramp and died to draw us closer to Tron, these are nothing compared to the Seer's sheer power.
So far these will be the only changes, we're going -1 Remand and -1 Spellskite for +2 Spatial Contortion and -2 Solemn for +2 Thought-Knot Seer. I was considering Warping Wail initially, though the card has become much less valuable with Twin out of the picture and there are better counterspells and removal we can run in the sudeboard.
As for the future, I can see a new Mono U Tron deck that may make its mark when Eye of Ugin gets banned in April (most likely). Perhaps with more fundamental changes to the core, the inclusion of Eldrazi Temple and more Eldrazi creatures (Reality Smasher and Matter Reshaper anyone?) we may see an entirely more proactive Mono U Tron that is faster and better while still being able to play the control game, at least in part. I'm already trying to think of ways to jam smasher in the mainboard. However, so far I'm only making minor additions and we'll see if, perhaps, with some thought and good deckbuilding, someone can't find a way to make this dream a reality. I certainly don't think I'm going to be the one who does it, but God knows I'll keep trying though!
So, while I'm in the tank trying to figure that out, give the deck a looksee and +1 if you like it, and/or comment if you have some ideas of your own. I'd love to hear them!