This is my Azusa, Lost but Seeking list.
Here are some notes on the list. This is not going to be an exhaustive write up, but it will help explain some choices and interactions.
This deck is designed to be played in a competitive EDH environment against other competitive decks. While I think Azusa is solidly tier 2, she can still take games from a competitive table. I have been working on this list on and off for around a few years and it has changed many times. The list is extremely complicated and difficult to pilot, but extremely rewarding once you learn how to make it work. If you love playing complicated and skill testing combo decks, but also like occasionally just mauling people with Eldrazi, then this Azusa list is for you!
A major point about constructing Azusa is that there is not really a single best list. Since Azusa has more mana to work with than most cEDH decks, there are a lot more cards that are viable. Most of your card choices will decide how much ramp, resiliency, interaction, and speed you have. What is best for you depends strongly on the meta you are playing in. My list is a bit more interactive than others because it runs a small stax package for the storm in my meta. It also runs a large amount of resiliency. I used to run Azusa fast combo that could normally win on turn 4, but Azusa is just not a great fast combo commander. If you want to play fast combo you can play Sidisi ANT, Prosh or many others.
Ok now some notes in whatever order I think of them.
Lands: I run a shit ton of utility lands in this list. Also runs several tutors that find lands. Gaea's cradle is a cornerstone of the deck so usually that is my tutor target if I don't specifically need something else. Also I am running a lot of colorless lands. Occasionally we will have issues with actually getting green (it is kind of funny when it happens actually). Most of the time we are alright if we have at least 1 green source in our hand since we run so mana lands, dorks and other cards that can get us more green later. The reason for the utility lands is to have a wide range of options to answer whatever we need to on the board. Also it means that if we are doing nothing but ramping and playing lands we still have things to do. The main game plan of the deck is to build up enough mana and resources until you can combo off in one massive turn and usually win with craterhoof. Usually this is done by abusing Gaea's cradle and by drawing a lot of cards from regal force.
Stax: I am running a stax package. This gives us some interaction with other cEDH decks that mono green has a hard time interacting with like storm. Generally we are not hurt as bad by the taxes because we have so much more mana than everyone else.
Argothian Elder + Wirewood lodge + Gaea's cradle/Nykthos = infinite mana and land untaps. This combo is an important thing to know about the deck since it is a win con that does not require use to attack. Also it can be assembled with only creature and land tutors which is what we get in mono green. Normally this is not your game plan unless you happen to draw ways to assemble it. In order to win, use the land untaps with Geir Reach Sanitarium, mikokoro, or use sea gate wreckage to draw your deck then use that (stack the draw triggers on top of each other). There are also a lot of interactions when you use lands an infinite number of times like being able to infinitely pump an inkmoth or blinkmoth nexus with the blinkmoth ability. Note: Surrak, the hunt caller is specifically in the deck so that he can provide haste to Argothian Elder if needed. Also Scapeshift can be used to find all the lands needed. Also, when you go off you want to find a way to get Dosan in play asap. This is because your combo makes your opponents filter through their whole deck so if you don't have Dosan they will draw into a way to stop the combo. Normally he is rather easy to find though since you have infinite mana. The first creature tutor can find him easily.
Realm Seekers. Realm Seekers is awesome because it is a creature that tutors for lands. That means our creature tutors can find lands if needed. Not only that but he can find multiple lands. Common lines are to get cradle, then us cradle for deserted temple or nykthos, then use that to get the other one, deserted temple or nykthos. This uses all 3 land drops, but sets you up for a lot of mana. He can also be used to set up the Argothian Elder lands. There are also a huge number if different ways you can use different lands interacting together with Realm Seekers. I could write pages about all the different options and interactions you have available to you from this guy.
When using fetch lands, find Dryad Arbor if you can afford to since it makes cradle tap for one more.
Hornet Queen: Your answer to flying. Outside of Hornet queen you are very open to flyers so this shores you up a lot. Also it works great with cradle.
Invasive Species: This card looks extremely odd if you don't understand how to run the tutor lines. The most common use of this card is to bounce regal force after you cast him. A lot of the time you cast regal force for 5-8, then play stuff but can't draw more cards. This guy lets you have another whirl at it, normally drawing you even more cards. Also note, tap cradle or nykthos in response to the bounce trigger for more mana since regal force will still be in play.
Protean hulk: With the recent unbanning of protean hulk I have put him in the deck. Honestly, I have not really done much testing with him, but the possible lines that he opens up are massive. Stuff like now fierce empath can search for Argothian elder and Surrak by getting hulk. Possible list changes like adding magus of the candelabra back in so I can grabe magus + Surrak + something else, grabbing E wit to go again. One thing, don't forget dryad arbor is a free include to any hulk pile. Use high market to sac him.
Lastly, this list is obviously not cheap as it has no budget restrictions on it. Things like candelabra are very strong, but not needed. Many of the expensive cards can be cut down, especially the lands. The main thing though is that Gaea's cradle is required for the deck to function properly. If you don't have a cradle then you can use Nykthos as a bad replacement, but it will require changing a lot of card choices and be a lot worse.
Ok that is all for now. There are way more interactions than this, but I don't want to write up everything. I hope you enjoy the list.