This is my first stab at a Tiny Leaders deck. Alesha, Who Smiles at Death looked like fun, continually bringing back value creatures, so here's what I came up with.
In practice, the deck tends to play like tempo, sticking a threat and then continually removing blockers/obstacles while beating down with Alesha + whatever creature she's bringing back. To that end, ETB creatures that double as removal are extremely useful, and doubly so if they have echo (as they off themselves just in time for Alesha to bring them back). Here's a quick breakdown:
Tempo-oriented creatures
Anathemancer, Azorius Arrester, Banisher Priest, Bone Shredder, Fiend Hunter, Mogis's Marauder, Orzhov Pontiff, Stingscourger
Of these, Stingscourger is the most consistently useful, as he provides a huge amount of early-game tempo and is very easy to recur turn after turn.
Token producers
Blade Splicer, Kathari Bomber, Mogg War Marshal, Pack Rat
These creatures produce continuing value by leaving tokens behind, even if they themselves die. Pack Rat in particular can occasionally take over games all by himself, and he even feeds Alesha by letting me discard other useful creatures to be brought back.
Miscellaneous value creatures
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden -- Since all of my creatures have power 2 or less, he can be cast with an X of 0 and still keep value.
Knight of the White Orchid, Pilgrim's Eye -- Occasionally the deck needs more fixing, and these are great at providing it.
Mentor of the Meek -- This triggers with every creature in the deck to keep me drawing gas.
Sanity Gnawers -- I'm not completely convinced this effect is worth three mana, but it's saved my bacon a couple of times when opponents didn't see it coming.
Undercity Informer -- Alesha loves the ability to reuse (non-echo) dudes by repeatedly putting them in the yard, and this one has the added bonus of milling additional creatures for her to reanimate or serving as an alternate wincon.
Viashino Heretic -- It's possible that this should be sideboard material, but it's one of the better artifact-hate cards in the format, and with the prevalence of Swords I don't feel bad about maindecking it.
Non-creature-based removal
Smother, Swords to Plowshares, Liliana of the Veil, Black Sun's Zenith, Rolling Earthquake, Toxic Deluge, Vandalblast
One of the primary appeals of playing is that these are the colors of efficient removal, and we have access to some of the very few boardwipes available in the format. Toxic Deluge in particular is a very powerful way to head off early aggression.
Misc Alesha-friendly cards
Everlasting Torment -- As it turns out, Wither works out extremely well with 3-power first strikers and creatures that you intend to simply bring back when they die. Also, the damage-can't-be-prevented clause solves troublesome problems like Mother of Runes and nasty pro-color Swords.
Goblin Bombardment, Martyr's Cause -- Alesha loves sac effects, and these are the best ones I've found in these colors. I haven't actually drawn Martyr's Cause in a game yet, though, so it may or may not be as relevant as I assume.
Recurring Nightmare -- Most of my dudes have neat ETB effects, so bouncing them in and out of the yard seems value-positive. Shame about the sorcery-speed restriction, though.
Lightning Greaves -- Surprise damage is the best damage, especially after a cheap boardwipe.
High Market -- Having a sacrifice land is absolutely worth the damage to the manabase, as being able to recur a non-echo creature turn after turn works wonders. It's possible that this should be Phyrexian Tower for greater synergy, though.
Flamekin Village -- More ways of giving my general haste in the lategame.
Bojuka Bog -- Gotta have some gravehate, and this piece is virtually free.
The rest of the lands are just there for colorfixing.