Mardu Facepalm!!!

Casual* ClutchWorks


mdunham says... #1

you're a little low on land. I'd go up to 24. Also I'm not sure Rakdos, Lord of Riots fits the deck well with most bigger creatures not having too much colorless mana in their mana cost. Maybe something like Quicksilver Amulet that could speed up the deck? Lobber Crew could probably be replaced with something a little more efficient. Cool deck idea though. I hope it works out

January 9, 2015 1:45 p.m.

ClutchWorks says... #2

Hey thanks for dropping by!

I honestly just added Rakdos, Lord of Riots and Lobber Crew because they tend to be "oh shit" triggers when I play with friends.. and I'm usually on the receiving end of the damage. Lobber Crew untapping with each multicolored spell isn't something I underestimate anymore. I was debating Prodigal Pyromancer or Grenzo's Cutthroat in place of the Lobbers and Scourge of the Throne in place of Rakdos, but unfortunately Scourge isn't modern legal. I'll be honest.. I've only recently started to dabble in Red's playability, so It may take me a while to narrow down some low CMC's I want to use.

I'll look into Quicksilver Amulet and how it plays here, but do you have any suggestions on how I can make this a meaner deck aside from the usual Dictate of Erebos and Grave Betrayal? I'd prefer to keep all my copies of those cards in my other decks..

January 9, 2015 2:24 p.m.

mdunham says... #3

which cards do you want to keep? Terminus is an awesome card epseically if you have a slower deck. you could throw in other board wipes too. especially sense you have some creatures that can almost dominate by themselves, it works really well if you miracle Terminus and then use Quicksilver Amulet on like gisela aurelia. also Lightning Helix > Lightning Strike

January 9, 2015 3:11 p.m.

ClutchWorks says... #4

Terminus looks great to me especially since this deck isn't intended to have a draw engine. Lightning Helix is definitely getting subbed in.

I'm thinking about dropping Mogis, God of Slaughter for +2 Iroas, God of Victory, and batting around the idea of indestructible Boros Reckoners aside from the Boros Charm play.. I might have to get back to you once I actually buy and playtest this deck.. I don't know where I want to trim the fat yet lol

January 9, 2015 4:06 p.m.

mdunham says... #5

You could get rid of your enchantments most likely. Mardu Ascendancy I think is for more of an aggro deck. And Assemble the legions is somewhat slow and alwasy dealt with pretty quickly. I would add some Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. It would really help with Phyrexian Obliterator's mana cost

January 9, 2015 6:41 p.m.

showda says... #6

I don't know a lot about legacy to be honest, but I can let you know that the hub Cruel Control is noramlly used to denote decks that use the card Cruel Ultimatum as a finisher.

January 29, 2015 11:13 a.m.

ClutchWorks says... #7

O_O what... lol I didn't know that. I just figured "yea this deck is kinda mean."


January 29, 2015 12:37 p.m.

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