

Creature (4)

Sorcery (3)

Welcome to my latest deck tech; this article will be over a U/R treasure cruise build that I have been working on in standard. The deck is based off of the same concept as Tassinari Matteo's petal burn deck in legacy. This concept is to work with Treasure Cruise's delve power by filling the graveyard with cheap burn spells and fetch lands then delving away the the scraps to refill the hand.

Sideboard notes

Arc Lightning -- This card serves as a small board wipe as well as a last minute burn spell in a pinch. When boarding these usually replace Searing Blood in ineffective match-ups.

Disdainful Stroke--This card is amazing against Siege Rhino decks, whip decks, or any deck that relies on big creatures or spell. 4 has proven to be very useful in testing and give a good bit of variety.

Keranos, God of Storms-- This card comes in against control match-ups and abzan match-ups where the game can become long and grinding.

Negate-- Ascendancy and U/B control match-ups.

Reality Shift-- Probably one of the better spot removal spells that came out of Fate Reforged. The idea when using this card is to hit a big body like a Stormbreath Dragon or any other card that can't be burned out easily; even though this card replaces the creature removed with a "Morph" it is very likely that the card in question is not as good as the one shifted and even if it is the opponent will still have to waste a turns mana to flip it.

Shatter-- Hits whip.

If you have any questions post them in the comments section bellow and I will get back to you as soon as possible.If you have comments or thoughts feel free to leave them as well and finally if you like the deck please up-vote, share, and try it out.


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More details and explination as well aso a video of myself playing this deck on MTGO


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Revision 6 See all

(10 years ago)

+4 Satyr Firedancer maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #39 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

24 - 10 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Standard, Decks, Decks i like, standard
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