
This deck started out as the Tolarian Community College Dimir Alchemy deck, but I made some changes to give it a few more bodies and make it more dangerous. Since the deck runs a lot of blue control and black removal instants/sorceries, Delver of Secrets makes for a great one-drop body, and Ponder gives you really good odds to make sure you have the card you need to transform it on the top of your library at the next upkeep. The Edicts are excellent removal spells to keep your opponent's board thinned out until you can get a board presence going, so I brought in an extra Diabolic Edict to allow removal at instant speed (I wouldn't be opposed to swapping out other cards for more Chainer's/Diabolic in the deck, although so far 2 and 2 seems to work well). Stinkweed Imp isn't a big body by any means, but if you can keep it on the battlefield, it's solid board control that can be dredged back into your hand, and potentially help feed a Gurmag Angler in the process.


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97% Competitive

Revision 1 See all

(4 years ago)

+2 Dispel side
+2 Duress side
+2 Echoing Decay side
+3 Hydroblast side
+2 Into the Roil side
+2 Stormbound Geist side
+2 Vodalian Zombie side
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
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