

Planeswalker (1)


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Round 1: 2-0 monowhite humans. He was running an 18 land variant and both games sat on 1 land hands. Eldrazi Displacer was a huge card here by knocking off Gryff's Boon and stopping Kytheon from transforming for multiple turns in a row.

Round 2: 1-2 Black/White Control. On the one hand, Warping Wail is a champion card in this matchup. On the other hand, Grasp of Darkness and Anguished Unmaking+Ob-nix and Sorin did a handy job of completely ignoring Warping Wail. Lost game 1 to aforementioned cards, won game 2 through a March from the Tomb for 9, then lost game 3 to Reality Smasher+removals.

Round 3: 2-0 Bant Company. Nothing particularly special about this matchup. It all falls down to who gets the better CoCo pulls. Admittedly, it helps that Reflector Mage falls fairly flat here because I'm glad to get allies back in my hand, it means more kalastria healer triggers.

Round 4: 1-2 LSV's GB Aristocrat's list. My deck is fairly non-interactive most of the time, so it fell down to who drains faster. I'm not playing it because I don't own any, but I could definitely see Dromoka's Command hitting this matchup fairly hard. There's a lot of power that comes directly from Cryptolith Rite.

Round 5: 2-0 ...bulk rares? It was an Alhammarret's Archive deck. When your main board wipe is Engulf the Shore, CoCo allies is probably your worst matchup.

Cut to Top 8: 1-2 Black/White Control...same guy, same results. I'm not sure what the answer to this matchup is. March from the Tomb is my current answer, but that doesn't do me much good against Declaration in Stone, Anguished Unmaking, and Descend upon the Sinful. Ultimately I think it's just a bad matchup and requires near perfect draws to beat.

(speculation: Even though BW control was first seed, I'm willing to bet that the guy running Season's Past control won Game Day.)


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors UR
Splash colors G

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

35 - 6 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C
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