Mono-red Pauper Burn-- 1st (3-0) at Pauper Night!
BioProfDude says... #2
Boza, that 4x Fireblast is exactly what Steve Rubin runs (see above link to his deck list). Honestly, I haven't had any problems with it. I do fairly frequently use it to finish games, and I have even cast-by-=sacrificing 2 copies from my hand to finish games. It's too important to relax on the number. It's worth noting that games don't usually go past about turn 7 or 8, so I want to ensure I get a Fireblast in hand. To ensure that, 4x has proven to be the optimal number.
Thunderous Wrath is amazing if you draw it and have mana-- it's absolutely and 100% terrible to have in hand. I did play with this for a while and, in my experience, it is exceptionally inferior to Fireblast.
3x Curse of the Pierced Heart is also main in Rubin's build, and I have had amazing luck with it in the main. Occasionally I side it out, but probably 75% or more of the time they stay in. I do currently run a build with 1x Shard Volley and only 1x Magma Jet, but I have yet to decide whether this is better. Sometimes it is, sometimes that scry is awfully useful. That's a piece with which I'm still tinkering.
19 lands is pretty well balanced for this build. Unless I play a pretty serious land destruction deck (which happens very rarely), I don't really have mana issues with this build. It's about knowing when to keep and when to mulligan, I guess. Even against a land destruction deck I have a pretty darn good win percentage. That's when Fireblasts come out of the main.
Thanks for the thoughts/comments!
June 20, 2018 10:46 p.m. Edited.
"and I have even cast-by-=sacrificing 2 copies from my hand to finish games" - what do you mean by that?
"Thunderous Wrath is amazing if you draw it and have mana -- it's absolutely and 100% terrible to have in hand. I did play with this for a while and, in my experience, it is exceptionally inferior to Fireblast." - it is amazing when you draw it and you have the mana - so, every turn after the first? Additionally, when you admit to hardcasting the fireblasts, how is hardcasting the TW not better?
June 21, 2018 3:07 a.m.
BioProfDude says... #4
Boza sorry, wasn't clear-- I never hard cast Fireblast. Rather, I meant to say that I have sacrificed twice (4 mountains total) to cast to finish games. Wrote quickly while dodging from gate to gate in the airport. :-D If I have more than 4 mountains on the battlefield, then I have drawn way too many lands and probably lost as a result.
Thunderous Wrath is not worth one or more mulligans to ensure that I don't have it in hand, even if that only happens once in a while. If I have it in hand, that's an auto mulligan. I don't have a single card in this current build that would ever cause me to mulligan just because I have it in the opening hand. I will take Fireblast over Thunderous Wrath all day, every day. It is exceptionally rare to have a Fireblast in hand that cannot be cast at the end of the game. I found myself occasionally having to mulligan because I had a Thunderous Wrath in my opening hand. I won't get to 6 lands very often-- 4 or 5 at the very most, usually 3 (pretty rare I have 2 copies of Fireblast in my opening hand, or in my hand ever-- I feel pretty good about getting 1 copy per game). Usually I cycle Forgotten Cave so it doesn't even get in the way. What I mean by that is I use Forgotten Cave to generate card advantage-- it doesn't get in the way of me getting cards played.
I respect that you prefer Thunderous Wrath, but I prefer Fireblast. At the end of the day, it's what each player feels works best for them. For me, that's Fireblast. For you, that seems to be Thunderous Wrath (well, more copies of Thunderous Wrath than Fireblast, anyway).
June 22, 2018 10:47 a.m. Edited.
BioProfDude says... #5
Boza I would add that looking over the Pauper deck lists I see my deck as the most common competitive build (off by maybe 2 to 3 cards-- the Shard Volleys and Magma Jets causing the most variation, with many playing 4x Curse of the Pierced Heart, always with 4x Fireblast):
Note that Pauper burn decks have fallen out of favor a bit, so one needs to dig quite a bit to find the true burn decks (not the mono-red aggro or "R," which is either aggro or goblins). The above site provides results from leagues and from the Sunday Pauper Challenges.
Anyway, I know that there are a variety of builds for this, and I just happen to think the above build works very well for me and for my play style. Thanks again for the comments, thoughts, and suggestions!
June 28, 2018 7:07 p.m.
BioProfDude says... #6
Boza, one last comment as this article came out yesterday after I wrote my comment to you yesterday. Alex Ullman at Channel Fireball wrote a nice summary of the Top 8 decks at Grand Prix Las Vegas (June 14 - 17, so just a couple of weeks ago). Notice that a burn deck made the top 8 and that our main boards are nearly identical. 4x Fireblast and 4x Curse of the Pierced Heart (I run 3x, but that player shaved a Forgotten Cave to make room for the extra copy). The player also ran 1x Shard Volley and 1x Magma Jet while I have 2x Magma Jet in my list above, though, as I noted in an above comment, I have been tinkering with the 1x/1x configuration. Otherwise, main boards are identical.
Here is the link to Ullman's article:
Thanks again for your thoughts and comments!
June 29, 2018 10:40 a.m.
Yeah I read the article. I do think 4x fireblast is the right choice as it synergizes better with the creature suite that really want the free spell to ping the opponent. I do agree that for now, this list is well optimized, but burn lists are always being optimized, so thunderous can always be an option and is inexpensive to make the switch and try it.
June 29, 2018 11:02 a.m.
Mightyhulk1 says... #8
Hey man sick deck loving the mono red. I made an Urza deck and I need opinions could you go give it a look? thanks a lot
October 3, 2019 9:12 p.m.
BioProfDude says... #9
Mightyhulk1, sure, I can try. Sounds like a Modern deck? I only really know Standard and pauper, so I may not be much help... what's the link to your deck?
October 3, 2019 11:42 p.m.
Mightyhulk1 says... #10
Its EDH, I opened Urza and I needed a deck for him. Here is the link:
Boza says... #1
16 mountains and 4 fireblasts is just too mismatched. You probably never need more than 1 fireblast per game. Additionally, I would be averse to playing the three curses outside of the SB. They are not good at triggering Alchemist and are glacially slow, usually useful versus control. I would either go +1 jet + 2 Thunderous Wrath or 2 copies of Shard Volley + 1 land.
June 15, 2018 9 a.m.