loliconpeanut, I was thinking of more Kor Spiritdancer for sure. And the reason for that is because I value the card draw. Which synergizes with playing a Pacifism over an Oblivion Ring , which somewhat accomplishes the same thing. Getting a blocker out of the way so I'm free to attack.
August 17, 2014 10:24 p.m.
Ethereal Armor should absolutely be a 4-of in this deck, it is one of the best and most efficient enchantment cards ever printed. I think Favored Hoplite would be a good addition because it is fast and builds quick. Also for evasion, Spirit Mantle is amazing. It can make your giant creature unblockable, or you can put it on a passive creature to block nearly anything.
August 23, 2014 7:32 p.m.
Hey Aerokid. I know that Ethereal Armor is good, I'm just not sure what I'd take out then. Any suggestions on that? As for Favored Hoplite , he was originally in the maybeboard and then I realized it doesn't really offer as much. I'd rather have 4 Heros in deck. I'd rather have the Kor Spiritdancers and the flying Skyguards to buff. I was originally thinking of putting Spirit Mantle in as well, but Brave the Elements and God's Willing is there to make my entire army protection from a color and potentially attack. I just thought other buffs I had are more beneficial.
August 24, 2014 2:16 p.m.
I feel like Lost Auramancers is pretty lackluster here. It's guaranteed to die, so enchanting it is pointless, and it's really only effective when it dies. Seeing as your most expensive enchantment is Angelic Destiny rather than something like Eldrazi Conscription , it would be more effective to just run another copy of Angelic Destiny or Ethereal Armor . As for the 4th Ethereal, I would take out Heliod's Pilgrim (both actually) because while an enchant tutor is nice, you'd be better off just running lots more enchantments. It will generate lots more draw power from Kor Spiritdancer . I also like Brave the Elements for making an alpha strike, but if you can't win that turn, you will likely lose from the counter attack. Spirit Mantle allows you to repeatedly poke for good damage, or just make Fabled Hero giant and unblockable just in case your opponent has more than one color creature on the field. It also synergizes with Spiritdancer better than BtE.
Right now it feels like you're halfway between a voltron deck and a white weenie deck. I believe enchantments work best with a voltron strategy (building up a single creature and smashing face with it). It's up to you, but if you decide to invest more in the voltron strategy, I would suggest Chosen by Heliod . It's not the most popular choice, but it allows you to get insane value out of Spiritdancer (1W to draw 2 and trigger heroic) and also Hero of Iroas to make it only cost W.
All of my suggestions assume a voltron strategy. If you prefer a weenie strategy, I can adjust my suggestions accordingly.
August 25, 2014 2:13 p.m.
Hey again. I'm not really a fan of a "voltron" strategy so to speak. I'd rather keep the middle value theme it has now. What I am a big fan of is variety, so I think I definitely want to keep the Lost Auramancers in the deck. I mean, sure I won't buff it, but it's a blocker until it finally pops and then I could get Heliod, Pacifism, or an Angelic Destiny right to the battlefield. That sort of surprise can win the game, or in the case of Heliod I could get a free vigilant attack in. Again, like I said I love variety so I will probably keep in one Heliod's Pilgrim . I know this isn't "efficient" but for me it's about the fun and variety of playing different cards.
While Chosen by Heliod is a good card, and I understand that insane value combo, I don't think adding that would be a good choice as I'm already trying to put 4 Ethereal Armor in and that would only make me take up more space.
I'll trim down the Maybeboard and consider Spirit Mantle . Again, it's another enchantment to fit in, albeit a good one. I still do like Brave the Elements a LOT.
Thank you, edits will be made and I look forward to hearing more feedback.
August 26, 2014 5:10 p.m.
I assume you mostly play casual and understand where you're coming from. Decks that play the same every time get boring to play with and against. From the standpoint of variety, you're pretty well set. This deck won't play the same way all the time, but with 4-of Spiritdancer, Eidolon, and Hero, you won't lack the power to win regardless.
I guess you could put 1 or 2 Oblivion Ring or Banishing Light in the main just to deal with noncreature threats. Also Elspeth, Sun's Champion can provide creature control or simply just flood the field with more tokens, and would be a decent 1-of. If you enjoy lots of tokens, Evangel of Heliod can be a great late game play.
August 26, 2014 8:10 p.m.
One card that will buff all your other creatures and is heroic is Phalanx Leader. It costs as much as Elite Inquisitor not that you should get rid of it but it would be an easy switch and the mana cost wouldn't change.
January 31, 2015 5:51 p.m.
Hey cmsrDPM.
I don't think Phalanx Leader fits that well. He's a weak body and this deck is more around having about 2-3 strong multiple-enchanted creatures out that can beat down on the enemy. He'd fit better in a mass army deck.
January 31, 2015 8:05 p.m.
Am I crazy if I wanna take out a Eidolon of Countless Battles and/or an Ethereal Armor for another Griffin Guide and Sage's Reverie?
February 1, 2015 11:21 a.m.
I think you might need a couple of bodies for your enchantments. maybe try a splash for some bestow creatures. my favorite being boon satyr
February 11, 2015 6:01 p.m.
ODDIOBLENDER says... #12
You might consider Defiant Strike and Feat of Resistance if you're going the quality ovet quantity route. I have a similar deck called Heroic Punishment (Budget) in a B/R flavor that also focuses on a similar strategy. And although this is modern, don't underestimate recent goodies like Favored Hoplite and Lagonna-Band Trailblazer that get good buffs easier.
Also, you need a board reset in case of trouble. Fated Intervention, just one, can be a lifesaver at the right time.
February 11, 2015 6:03 p.m.
I think I have a good amount of bodies to be enchanted.. a little fine tuning could be made as I'm asking. I definitely don't want to splash a color thought Aquafier. I very much like this being a mono white deck.
ODDIOBLENDER How is Fated Intervention a board reset?
February 11, 2015 9:39 p.m.
ODDIOBLENDER says... #14
More to wipe the field of creatures in cases things go wrong, since you can rebuild quickly. But only a suggestion I personally like having that oh crap card in case you getget mana flooded.
February 11, 2015 9:45 p.m.
Quantum_Error says... #15
Lol, you have this registered as a vintage deck list xP Psyched me out for a second when I saw the price before looking at the list. Most definitely not vintage _ Regardless, I think that it's a nice deck, my younger brother had a deck that resembled this back during zendikar block, so it brings back memories :-)
February 11, 2015 11:37 p.m.
ODDIOBLENDER Are we seeing the same card you mentioned? Or am I not getting it.. Fated Intervention is what you posted.
Ghesious Oh yeah that's originally what I set it as, but it's a casual deck for play with friends.
February 12, 2015 11:32 p.m.
buttergolem says... #17
don't replace the eidoilon... you have too many cards. Also, remove Spectra Ward, as you cant add any more auras.
February 21, 2015 7:35 p.m.
Tormentero says... #18
Spirit Mantle might be useful here. 2 cmc for protection and a +1/+1. Not to mention pairing it with Fabled Hero to make an unblockable 4/4 doublestrike on turn 4?
March 11, 2015 6:49 p.m.
Tormentero says... #19
Personally, I think you should drop the 1 of's. You know what your theme and synergy is.
-2 Grand Abolisher -1 Elite Inquisitor -1 Silverblade Paladin -1 Spectra Ward -2 Eidolon of Countless Battles -1 Heliod, God of the Sun -1 Bonds of Faith -1 Griffin Guide -1 Lost Auramancers -3 Valorous Stance
+3 Fabled Hero +4 Spirit Mantle +2 Gods Willing +1 Oblivion Ring
My Logic:Get your Fabled Hero buffed out. Have plenty of protection cards that guard against him dying. Spirit Mantle makes him good to block with, too. There shouldn't be hardly any creatures he can't kill with double strike/Protection from, with minimal damage on your end.
March 11, 2015 7:15 p.m.
Daybreak Coronet and Spirit Mantle are the cards you need the most.
March 14, 2015 12:50 a.m.
AndWelcomeToTheJam says... #23
I think a great turn 1 card would be Favored Hoplite. He is a good body for keeping on the field for longer than he should be, with protection spells and damage mitigation. Also, for an enchantment based deck, having the ability to search your deck for the specific Aura you need is crucial. For this reason, I would take out the one-of Elite Inquisitor and Silverblade Paladin in favor of another 2 Heliod's Pilgrim. If you would like a standard reference, check out my Azorius Auras deck.
March 19, 2015 6:35 p.m.
Add a few more details about what you think works together. What happens on turn 1 and 2 in an ideal draw?
I can't just look at the cards and decipher your plan. Who knows what a crazy SOB like yourself might be planning ;)
November 28, 2015 1:33 p.m.
Well Randobot there is no real "plan" it's just a casual deck I have that can take care of threats and beef up some creatures.
The goal is to get out a Kor Spiritdancer and Hero of Iroas and then "go off" by playing cheap enchantments, drawing cards off the Spiritdancer and maybe a Sage's Reverie and then swing once or twice for the win.
loliconpeanut says... #1
lost auramancers is really slow, i would add more kor spiritdancer. You should put 4 ethereal armor, it's one of the best aura in white and I would add 4 oblivion ring instead of pacifism
August 17, 2014 10:01 p.m.