I built this deck on MTGO and have had some pretty good success with it, and have yet to 4-0 on the dailies, but I have been pretty consistent about getting 3-1 with it.
This is your basic Tribal aggro deck utilizing Warriors with a small removal/support package. Hitting the core creatures on curve will almost always result in a Turn 5/6/7 win.
Core Creatures:
Arashin Foremost --> Works in almost every stage of the game so long as their are supporting Warriors already in play. Combo's really well with Chief of the Edge.
Chief of the Edge --> Every Warrior hits harder.
Brutal Hordechief --> One of the primary win conditions for the deck. Being able to force all of your opponents creatures to block only on of yours, letting the rest through, will often be the game.
Blood-Chin Rager --> Great cards that lets you get in the damage early and often. Sets up the Hordechief's ability to swing for lethal.
Bloodsoaked Champion --> Synergizes really well with both chiefs and the Blood-Chin Fanatic. Swing, damage, sack to Fanatic, use the Champion's ability to pop back onto the battlefied. Rinse and repeat.
Supporting Creatures:
Blood-Chin Fanatic --> Provides a sac outlet that can do damage to your opponent and gain you life. Very useful for your creatures that would otherwise straight up die to removal or as a way to gain some benefit when forced to chump block.
Battle Brawler --> Works very well with the Chief of the Edge
Mardu Strike Leader --> I don't usually dash this creature. Instead I find that casting it works out better as I'm not tying up Mana for multiple turns. Provides as extra blocker for Sorin, Solemn Visitor and works well with the Hordechief.
Supporting Spells:
Sorin, Solemn Visitor --> Provides that necessary lifegain which helps full an aggro deck. Coupled with Brutal Hordechief it pretty much guarantees a good showing against mono-red.
Ajani's Presence
--> Indestructible is great, but it's the +1/+1 surprise that really puts this card over the edge. Used just right you can often get 1 or 2 more turns of swinging out with the whole team before contending with another threat.
Hero's Downfall --> Because we're running black.
Utter End --> There are matches that are quite poor for most aggro decks. This card is there to help keep those decks off tempo.