A hopefully fast stupid strong BUG evolve deck. Strong against creature decks, pathetic and useless against control. The sideboard should help at least a bit with that
2 land- at least one black, no slow land
2 birds of paradise
1 gyre sage
1 corpsejack menace
1 increasing savagery
This does rely on my drawing at least one more land by turn 3.
TURN ONE- Land, birds of paradise
TURN TWO- Land, birds of paradise, Gyre sage
TURN THREE- Land, increasing savagery to Gyre sage. Tap gyre sage and one black land for corpsejack menace.(This leaves us with two floating mana, which can drop another gyre sage, or some one drops if we drew into them)
TURN FOUR- flashback increasing savagery with gyre sage onto a birds of paradise, swing for 20 in the air with the birds.
STRONG AGAINST-Mill decks, combo decks, and aggro decks. I can outpace almost any mono green or creature heavy deck. midrange and turtle rarely get time to set up before I can kill them.
WEAK AGAINST-Control, creature hate, and burn. Anything that kills my little creatures before they become big creatures. The sideboard is designed to counter that, but I have not had much experience with how it works.
I would LOVE to run Primordial Hydra and Predator Ooze, any help finding a place for them would be greatly appreciated. Mostly Predator Ooze
Don't forget to +1 if you like the deck!