Good point Kurremkarmerruk. I think I might move it out to the sideboard instead. It is in the deck primarily to combat Collected Company decks, and maybe some zombie decks. But it could come in on games 2 and 3 instead. Hallowed Moonlight could be cashed in to draw a card at instant speed, but it would be better to simply have another card in hand at the appropriate time.
August 13, 2016 8:14 a.m.
i like hte fatal push but not 4 main. ild play a few murders aswell. the landbase ild probably try to get in a westvale or two as you play Gideon and oath of lili. as murder is easier to use agains tthe sahili combo.
February 3, 2017 5:37 a.m.
and your weakness is the Control match up. i Think yould loose half the time after side
February 3, 2017 5:38 a.m.
DevilNight72 says... #5
seems good but i think you should put a few Gisela, the Broken Blade into the deck instead of Linvala, the Preserver and maybe Anguished Unmaking or Murder insteaad of Skywhaler's Shot.
February 7, 2017 8:37 a.m.
Will playtest with some Murder. Think it should be good.
I did previously have 3x Anguished Unmaking in the sideboard. Rarely ever brought them in. The life loss is too great of a cost, and between all the removal spells and the Ruinous Path I never really needed them.
I currently do not own a Gisela, but I will see if I can acquire one and try her in the deck. Thanks for the advice.
February 8, 2017 1:35 p.m.
The black Trial from Amonkhet seems like a good target to bounce to my hand together with two of my opponent's creatures, from casting Baral's Expertise. Therefore I am going to allow recommendations for good counter spells and stuff.
Sadly I have no Torrential Gearhulk's.
April 10, 2017 1:46 p.m.
Swopping out 3x Essence Extraction in the sideboard for 3x Stasis Snare because of gods and Gideons.
May 20, 2017 4:27 a.m.
With Black White Control deck you need a few key ingredients:
Removal on a curve
Cards that get rid of more than one thing
Different ways to deal damage
Only a few Creatures
I would limit your Creatures to five. Six MAXIMUM.
Transgress the Mind is better than Lay Bare the Heart, in this current meta.
Four Shambling Vents are good. They let you get around spells that counter Creatures. Westvale Abbey Flip is also excellent.
Cast Out is better than Stasis Snare, but Anguished Unmaking is better than both of them.
Have a look at my deck Cast a Shadow. It has been preforming very well.
Kurremkarmerruk says... #1
I've been playtesting against B/W control decks, and this was fun. I kept putting out a creature and your deck kept taking them out.
The only dead card was Hallowed Moonlight. It seems like a sideboard card instead of main deck. I actually won a few games against you because you had that card in hand and never could use it.
August 12, 2016 2:45 p.m.