A Journey of Self Exploration

Commander / EDH dethjakal


Lilbrudder says... #1

Im not sure what your thoughts are on infinite combos, but Sidisi has several good ways to mill her entire deck and produce infinite zombies since you run Ulamog.

Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb

Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves and 1 other creature

Food Chain + Eternal Scourge for infinite mana to cast and exile sidisi until you have infinite zombies. Then Dread Return Craterhoof Behemoth for gg. This is the best combo for sidisi by far because it lets you cast any creature for free and it doesn't require sidisi to be in play first to produce infinite zombies.

As for singles Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Hedron Crab, and Hermit Druid are all great self mill options.

August 12, 2016 9:27 a.m.

dethjakal says... #2

Oh boy, those are some pretty interesting combos.

Really dig the food chain and eternal scourge combo myself, may be looking into putting that in there.

Thanks for the suggestions |:)

August 12, 2016 10:03 a.m.

Pal00ka says... #3

That alter is wroth a +1 alone :)

Dawn of the Dead and Palace Siege are good, continual recursion engines that might be better than your one ofs like Recollect.

I think there are a few lands like Maze of Ith that'll allow you to attack without risk of losing your commander and mill yourself more.

Not sure how much of token making is a goal but Parallel Lives just makes it better.

I think you should up your creature count if self-will is the point. It'll give you more options for cheaply recurring and make cards like Splinterfright better.

I don't see too much sacrifice outlets which will help get guys back in the yard to be used again. A slow but fun outlet is Ghoulcaller Gisa who will make you more tokens! Ashnod's Altar or Viscera Seer give an advantage from sacking too.

September 1, 2016 4:28 p.m.

dethjakal says... #4


I like the looks of Palace Siege moreso than Dawn of the Dead as removing my own stuff from the game isn't the most appealing thing for me to do.

I should REALLY look into a Ghoulcaller Gisa and another Ashnod's to put in here, i think i have one lying around somewhere, the issue is just finding it xD

Thanks for the input!!!

September 2, 2016 9:14 a.m.

Quicksilver says... #5

Victimize is amazing with Sidisi.

September 2, 2016 9:16 a.m.

dethjakal says... #6


Didn't think about that card, definitely gona put one of those in

September 2, 2016 3:01 p.m.

Iron_Cube says... #7

Army of the Damned is a cool finisher that you can still cast from your graveyard if it gets milled, a lot better than Empty the Pits most of the time. But I'm not sure about Ulamog, it doesn't work with graveyard cards (Splinterfright, Life from the Loam etc. and also Laboratory Maniac) I would play more controllable effects to avoid accidental graveyard shuffle.

I think Brawn, Wonder, Filth or Genesis would be great here. Svogthos, the Restless Tomb and Volrath's Stronghold would also be useful in this kind of deck...

April 19, 2017 1:09 p.m.

Iron_Cube says... #8

Maybe liliana, death's majesty or Liliana, the Last Hope could fit in this deck ?

April 29, 2017 4:21 p.m.

dethjakal says... #9


Yeah, whenever I get the money for one I'd like to pick up at least one of 'em!

April 29, 2017 4:26 p.m.

Stillgone says... #10

Looks sweet. Maybe The Mimeoplasm in the 99?

May 5, 2017 4:55 p.m.

Ever consider Wight of Precinct Six?

May 24, 2017 1:09 a.m.

dethjakal says... #12

I have, just not sure what I would want to replace

May 24, 2017 9:43 p.m.

IAMtheBW says... #13

Hey man! There are a lot of good choices for recursion, and you've hit a lot of them. Just gonna make a few more suggestions.

Shallow Grave, Stitch Together, Diabolic Servitude

Also consider Tortured Existence to not only fill your graveyard, but get key creatures back on the off chance they get milled.

Other good creatures are things that can recur by themselves like Bloodghast, Nether Spirit, and Ashen Ghoul

consider a few Delve spells like Temporal Trespass, Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise to thin your graveyard and make it easier to find stuff you need.

Hope this helps!

July 11, 2018 4:47 p.m.

joecool1299 says... #14

You're kinda light on Ramp and card draw. I tend to want something like 6-9 pieces ramp and 4-7 pieces card draw. Kodama's Reach, Cultivate and all on the on color signets I'd recommend for ramp. And Treasure Cruise; Fact or Fiction, and it's cousin Sphinx of Uthuun; and Read the Bones I would consider for card advantage. Maybe something like Regrowth too.

Have you ever considered Victimize? Works well with all your zombies. Corpse Connoisseur is also an Entomb stapled to two zombies. Might be worth a slot.

I feel like Rise from the Grave and Rakshasa's Disdain are subpar versions of better cards. Like why not run Counterspell or Logic Knot or Delay or Disallow or... you get the idea. Yawgmoth's Vile Offering could be a spicy edition to this deck over rise. I'll also agree with the comment above and say Diabolic Servitude is great.

Seasons Past could be really really good but it depends on your meta. The deck indicates that you probably want one but if you have a faster meta, probably pass on it.

If it were me, I'd probably cut Grimoire of the Dead (Very slow), Ghoultree (Not really synergistic), Sultai Ascendancy, (It's not a great card advantage engine or graveyard filler), Boneyard Wurm, (Chumped all day long) Altar of the Brood, (My guess would be you'll never win by milling your opponents out), Witchbane Orb, (I doubt it's gonna come up, all that often), and Rise and distain as I mentioned above.

Cool deck. Hopefully any of that was useful.

July 11, 2018 5:33 p.m.

joecool1299 says... #15

Sorry, one more but it would be a crime to not inform you of Altar of Dementia. A busted self mill card especially when your mill can make more creatures.

July 11, 2018 5:36 p.m.

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