Crime and Punishment {Merieke Primer}
Commander / EDH
discipleofgary73 says... #2
Fenryr Haha mana rocks are something one might find in a pawn shop after murdering its broker... I had some signets in originally, and honestly might put some back in because getting Merieke out by 3 is critical. I agree on the counters- thinking Arcane Denial , Insidious Will , Summary Dismissal or even Punish Ignorance , though Rewind and Cryptic Command would be better at 4 mana. Definitely keep the others you mentioned in mind as well. Thanks for the upvote!
September 17, 2019 2:23 p.m.
dingusdingo says... #3
Yo, its rad you want to play competitive, but why are you tagging a "It's still in its infancy and definitely a work in progress - suggestions are more than welcome!" deck as competitive? Almost as bad as people that tag their decks with primers and have 3 sentences.
First, rocks. Mana Crypt Chrome Mox Mox Diamond Mana Vault Talisman of Dominance and other color talismans. If you can't go faster than your opponent, they will simply win first. There's a reason almost every competitive commander deck runs these cards
Second, remove non-essential garbage cards. Why do you run Proper Burial ? Anything that doesn't actively help you win but rather sustains a game is (usually) a bad card. Anything that costs >5 mana you should also consider cutting because its either bad or you can do it for cheaper, Sepulchral Primordial Agent of Treachery Rise of the Dark Realms etc. As we talked about earlier with rocks, competitive EDH goes REAL fast, so you won't get to 9 mana to cast your big spell (that doesn't even win on resolution) without fast mana, which you don't run.
Third, replace bad interaction with cheaper more reliable interaction. Render Silent is pretty cool but it costs 3 mana for a counterspell, and it is extremely color intensive. Dissolve is also 3 mana and that simply doesn't cut it in competitive. Look at Dispel Swan Song Force of Will Pact of Negation Force of Negation Mana Leak Spell Pierce . Also look at your removal, Merciless Eviction is cool and flexible but not a competitive card, because it costs 6 mana to wipe. You should consider running better targeted removal too, like Doom Blade and Fragmentize
TL;DR Replace high mana cost cards with lower ones to reduce amount of dead cards in hand at all points of game.
Fenryr says... #1
Are you too much of a commie to get yourself some proper mana rocks? My god, man, where are the moxen?!
Nah jk, love the name and feel, you might want to look into more counterspells--mana drain, forces, pact, fluster's super cheap now, etc.
September 16, 2019 9:39 p.m.