Snapcaster Rock

Modern* 8vomit


Telerik says... #1

Hi 8vomit, nice to meet you again!
I totally love this deck and am probably going to create a similar build! Thanks for the inspiration.

I agree with JexInfinite, I would replace Surgical Extraction or Vapor Snag or something with Shadow of Doubt.


May 20, 2015 12:04 p.m.

Telerik says... #2

Sorry for double posting...

What do you think about Vendilion Clique, Scavenging Ooze or Courser of Kruphix? :-)

May 20, 2015 12:18 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #3

Telerik If there were more land, Courser would be a great choice.

I honestly think that mainboarding Fulminator Mage is a decent idea over Extraction. V Clique is probably also a strong choice, but with 7 mainboard disruption spells, it's almost unnecessary.

May 21, 2015 3:53 a.m.

Ponza is designed to prey on slow midrange decks. They ramp early, disrupt you, and their inevitability on topdecks is similar to that of Tron. However, they're still beatable. To beat them, you have to disrupt them early so they can't ramp ahead of curve, then kill them before they can recover. Thoughtseize and Fatal Push are ideal disruption because you can strip their game-winners away and kill their ramp. However, this deck is just too slow to beat Ponza before they can recover. Once Ponza makes enough mana they just have to wait for a topdecked bomb (which they play plenty of), so establishing a quick clock is crucial. Kalitas and Thrun are generally slow creatures and Spellskite is just awful against Ponza. Even stuff like Liliana isn't great because they can topdeck so well. Tarmogoyf and Tasigur are great against them, but otherwise this deck grinds way too hard to present a fast enough clock.

Out of curiosity, how do you fare against eldrazitron? The 2 matchups are very similar for midrange decks like this.

December 4, 2017 4:53 p.m.

8vomit says... #5

Thanks for the input ToolmasterOfBrainerd, makes sense.

I havent played against eldrazi tron (Matter Reshaper, Reality Smasher, ect) with this particular deck yet. I have played RG and GW tron though. They almost always take game one. Game 2 + 3 I have a fair amount of sideboard hate for that match up, and it ends up being a tempo race. So far this deck has perfomed well post sideboard. Keep in mind ive only played a hand full of fnm's w this so far, only had it assembled about a month.Ceremonious Rejection + Snapcaster Mage is great.

I am considering Grim Flayer. What would u cut to make room for that?

December 4, 2017 5:12 p.m.

clayperce says... #6

Long-time Ponza player here, following up on your thread.

As ToolmasterOfBrainerd said, it's going to be a REALLY tough match-up for you. I'm personally 70% (9-4 on matches) vs. various Sultai Control builds ... so the best plan may just be to hope you don't get matched up again :-)

At our heart, we're a tempo deck, using Land disruption to set our opponents back and early ramp to move us forward. So you'll want to prioritize ways to nerf our Land disruption and disrupt our early ramp for sure. Looking at your current 75 ...

Beyond your current 75 ...

  • Some Enchantment removal could be solid, for Utopia Sprawl and of course for Blood Moon. I like Seal of Primordium (since it works vs. Chalice of the Void when X=1), but there are a ton of solid options.
  • Spreading Seas could be REALLY good here. It's great against us early (on a Forest + Utopia Sprawl) and decent late (if we don't have a Blood Moon out is can sometimes be challenging to get double-red). And it's also superb on yourself when we have Blood Moon out.
  • Can your mana base afford to run 2x Forests? It's the first Basic I'd try to kill (to keep you off Goyf and Enchantment removal). I'm also going to do everything I can to keep you off BB (for Lili).

Post-board, we probably won't change much. Maybe 1-2x Relic of Progenitus if we saw or expect Goyf. Probably an Obstinate Baloth (if we've got one), for Lili. Watch out for Trinisphere though ... if we see a bunch of your big-mana spells (Kalitas, Tasigur, etc) they won't come in, but if Snap-Push created any issues for us in Game 1, expect Trin' (usually 3x) for sure.

Good luck, mate!

December 4, 2017 6:20 p.m.

clayperce says... #7

Thinking about this a little more, I suspect just adding more Abrupt Decay in the 75 would be better than trying to fit in some dedicated Enchantment/Artifact hate like Seal of Primordium

December 4, 2017 11:14 p.m. Edited.

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