masterosok says... #2
I like Acolyte's Reward in this deck. I think this deck lack removal and this can help with not only protection but removal as well. Last Breath might be worth a look too. In a pinch you can use it get rid of something small or use it on a Soldier of the Pantheon to trigger Sunbond
October 6, 2014 3:28 p.m.
After a ton of playtesting, here's some new observations:
This deck simply cannot keep up with green devotion & RDW, which are going to be top tier decks going forward.
The fact that the deck has no card draw hurts.
Green should definitely be dropped permanently. I feel like it make the deck work harder than it should to achieve the results you want and clouds up your mana base.
The deck seems to have a hard time deciding if it wants to be aggro or mid range and that has a lot to do with feeling like I constantly have to protect a Sage. I feel like if you want to play it aggro, you'd have to drop the Sage idea and that sucks. If you can focus on making it a strictly mid range deck, I think it may have a better shot and being better.
Triton Tactics should be looked at as an option as well as maybe Abzan Falconer & Ajani's Presence . Drop Ajani. He doesn't seem to warrant taking up 2 slots and 99% of the time, I have better things I'd rather play than him.
I really want to see this deck break thru the glass ceiling it's currently under but it seems to be having a really hard time without morphing into something it's not trying to be.
October 6, 2014 8:17 p.m.
Subject134127 says... #4
Great to see the deck evolving!
Personally not a big fan of Acolyte's reward. You have a lot of white permanents but they don't have the colored mana costs to really make the devotion mechanic work wonders. It should better be swapped out for something else protective like getting a full playset of Gods Willing/ Feat of Resistance, more Triton Tactics (which is a pretty great card, especially since you have a relatively decent amount of creatures) or maybe more Ordeal of Heliod which is a card that could give you 2 turns right off the bat.
For the rest I think the changes are great!
October 7, 2014 3:46 a.m.
Hero of Iroas Would be an idea, so you can get your aura's out quicker :)
October 7, 2014 4:53 a.m.
thee_Forrest says... #6
Midnight Guard + Retraction Helix and bounce Ornithopter which triggers with Altar of the Brood ...Infinite Mill too :P
October 8, 2014 7:23 a.m.
After a lot of playtesting with the card, Artisan of Forms is great tech against Stormbreath Dragon (or if your opponent is dropping giant creatures regardless). Since you have a decent amount of cards that target, I think it might be worth a try here.
I like Acolyte's Reward (good call on masterosok's part). The card is underrated, IMO. How is it working out for you?
@thee_Forrest, that combo is sweet. I'd love to see someone pull that off at an FNM. lol!
October 8, 2014 6:08 p.m.
@thee_Forrest Love that combo I'm actually collecting Altar of the Brood so I can make that deck haha. @stolenova Nice call on the Artisan of Forms sounds like a really awesome idea. Also Acolyte's Reward has been amazing in the deck so far, won me a couple of games just on its own. Generally I find its most useful keeping something alive and then killing something small so that Daxos of Meletis can get through which is awesome.
October 8, 2014 6:51 p.m.
TheMagicalNerd says... #9
This deck looks really cool. I thought someone would come up with a way to break Sage of Hours. Really cool, +1
October 15, 2014 7:32 p.m.
Just wanted to say I love what you've done with the deck so far, I found it when you still had splash green in it and I've taken my version of it in a different direction as well.
would +1 again If I could!
October 16, 2014 1:22 p.m.
carlosmatador137 says... #11
I did this in WG with a splash of U. I have 2 combos in there. Sage for extra turns plus Serra Avatar pretty much left everything else to gain life/+1's Wall of Reverence makes a great blocker as well as a good life gain tool, and combos great with sunbond.
October 17, 2014 6:03 a.m.
Centaureayl says... #12
Could you explain the Infinite Combo to me because I can't find it. Sorry and thanks.
October 17, 2014 8:26 a.m.
I can see it chaining as you cast spells each turn to keep getting more turns, but there are only a few truly infinite combos I see. You either need one Sage of Hours out with Sunbond , three Nyx-Fleece Ram out and two more Artisan of Forms taking the form of the Rams so you'll gain five life at the beginning of every turn giving you five more counters for the Sage, or instead of the Artisan of Forms you have another Sage of Hours also with Sunbond and once you get both of them to five counters you take two turns and the Rams will give them both six counters to take two more turns with.
October 17, 2014 8:51 a.m.
@Centaureayl and ksVPN I see your confusion. Originally this deck was just built around getting the infinite combo off by gaining 5 life each turn, and had a multitude of ways to do so. However it was not very good and would lose quite often. What the deck is now does have a few ways of going infinite, its difficult but it can happen. More often you go sudo-infinite, by say getting two extra turns with Daxos of Meletis on the field there is a very good chance you can keep going forever. Currently the sideboard contains some better ways to actually go infinite with lifelink, but the way the deck is right now seems to be really good. I need to test the deck some more before I decide what direction I want to take, but I'm thinking if I can refine it enough I want to put Ajani Steadfast back in which will add quite a few infinite combos back into the deck.
October 17, 2014 9:57 p.m.
Angelseeker says... #15
Is the deck supposed to have 64 cards in it? Also I think flooded strand should replace mana confluence so you won't be drawing as many lands later on and also you only need to life once in total. Maybe some cards to get more draw like Fate Foretold and/or Ordeal of Thassa ?
October 18, 2014 4:56 a.m.
@Angelseeker Ya I would prefer the deck was 60 cards but have surprisingly not had that many issues with 64. I'm considering Flooded Strand but I think Mana Confluence has much better synergy in the deck especially with consideration to Daxos of Meletis stealing cards and Artisan of Forms becoming other creatures, I might not have the right colors to use their abilities to the full extent without Mana Confluence As for card draw, ya the deck has none and could really use some. I think Ordeal of Thassa or Stratus Walk are the best bets as they offer the most utility.
October 18, 2014 6:51 a.m.
Subject134127 says... #17
It says right on the card that you can spend mana of any color to play the cards that Daxos steals.
Artisan of Forms might have a use for it, but in my opinion it's not a reason to put it in if you could also 'thin your deck' with 4 cards.
I didn't notice it had 64 cards, but 60 is definitely a much better way to go. Only go more than 60 cards if the extra cards are absolutely mandatory to your strategy. I don't think that's the case here.
Daxos of Meletis is Legendary so you can only have 1 at a time on the board. running 4 will get you cards you can't play because they're already on the battlefield. You should cut at least 1. You could probably do with 1 or 2 less land as well with your current average CMC, and then cut one card elsewhere, for example one artisan of forms (in my opinion only situationally useful and requires another card to trigger).
October 18, 2014 7:45 a.m.
@Subject134127 Yes, but lots of cards that I can take with Daxos of Meletis have abilities that may not be in my colors after I cast it. I used to have 3 Daxos in the deck but found I wasn't drawing him enough, or he was getting killed right away and it was hard to draw into him again. I agree with the mana base needing fixing and the deck really needs to be 60 cards. I'm going to keep testing though thanks for the feedback.
October 18, 2014 8:29 a.m.
Hopeful Eidolon gives lifelink to creatures pretty fast to help with getting infinite turns.
October 18, 2014 9:05 a.m.
I was thinking of running this with green, what do you think, throw some Feed the Clan and Voyaging Satyr in there.
October 18, 2014 1:37 p.m.
@Heavyhunt Tried Hopeful Eidolon found it just wasn't doing enough work. @olimpa I tried splashing green for some of those fun cards but unfortunately it made the deck way too inconsistent.
October 18, 2014 7:19 p.m.
Consider -2 Triton Tactics and +1 both Gods Willing & Feat of Resistance , Triton just seems really underwhelming and really if you think of it, minus the tapping, does a worse job of protecting than the other 2.
just my 2c.
October 19, 2014 3:22 p.m.
Centaureayl says... #25
In my experience, if you're running Mana Confluence, that means you're using 3+ colors. That means there's a 60% chance one of those colors is Black, so you're automatically forced to include Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for the auto synergy.
willisio says... #1
I would play this as a modern casual not standard because it has to work perfectly everytime for it to be really great! +1 (it is still a really cool deck)
October 5, 2014 5:35 a.m.