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Nicol Bolas Grixis Control

Modern Control UBR (Grixis)



I’m back with a deck that I’ve been using at FNM for a while now, Nicol Bolas Grixis Control. Idea is to out value your opponent to death with counterspells, draws, removal, and hand destruction.


Countersquall is an amazing counterspell that also shocks the opponent. Only downside is it can be a bit restrictive early on but you cannot complain about a counterspell that shocks the opponent.

Remand is a counterspell that draws you a card. Only downside is that it returns it to your opponents hand which sucks but the card draw is worth it.


Terminate is the best removal spell in the format (or top 3 with Fatal Push and Path to Exile).

Fatal Push kills literally everything it seems. Plus you can sac the fetch lands to activate the better half. 1 mana kill spell? Yes please...

Lightning Bolt cause deck has red = 4 Lightning Bolt.

Hand Destrustion:

Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize are interchangeable, I just like Inquisition of Kozilek better because it doesn’t lose you life which matters a bit.


Serum Visions draws you a card for 1 and filters your next couple draws, super important and relevant.

Remand also draws you a card but it’s main use is that it’s a counterspell, draws amazing though.


Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker is our main finisher. He destroys anything non-creature, steals relevant creatures, and his ultimate is overkill and will win you the game on its own.

Cruel Ultimatum is also game winner. Draws you 3 cards, recovers you a dead creature, and heals you for 5 then does the opposite for your opponent (10 health difference and a potential +6 card advantage!?!?).

Dark Intimations is baby Cruel Ultimatum. Bonus is that it’s cheaper, easier to play, and gives your next Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker another loyalty counter (meaning 1 turn early ultimate)


Augur of Bolas searches out spells that will almost always be useful and with the creature recovery of Cruel Ultimatum and Dark Intimations you can repeat this effect to hilarious levels. Can be replaced by Snapcaster Mage if you have him but it’s not mandatory.

Gurmag Angler is a giant, beefy 5/5 for 1 Black if you have been playing the game. It is not hard to get 6 cards into the graveyard.

Lands: •11 Fetch Lands and 8 Shock lands as the backbone, 1 Cascade Bluffs filter land to help with getting the color you need, and 2 Swamp, and a single Mountain and Island to round out the lands.

Sideboard: •Surgical Extraction and Pithing Needle for combo hate.

Cryptic Command can do everything lol.

Banefire can help end the game.

Anger of the Gods to clear out “Go Wide” strats that can be a huge problem.

Grafdigger's Cage for graveyard hate.

Shattering Spree for mass artifact removal.

Hope you enjoyed the deck. If you like it upvote the deck and try it out for yourself. Leave a comment and any suggestions or improvements would be appreciated. Thank you for your time and I’ll be back for another deck later.


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99% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors WG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 12 Rares

18 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.75
Folders Favoritos, Fun Decks
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