The core of this deck is:
Veteran Explorer
, 4x Cabal Therapy, 4x Green Sun's Zenith, 3x Pernicious Deed.
These cards enable a control strategy, which is complemented by other GB control elements, Thoughtseize, Abrupt Decay, Liliana of the Veil.
The main difference between this list and other Nic Fit lists is the inclusion of Living Wish and a wish board, which will be explained below.
This deck generates a lot of mana, and I have built this list to convert the mana resources into consistency through various packages of 10x tutors:
4x Green Sun's Zenith, 3x Living Wish, 2x Crop Rotation, 1x
Diabolic Intent
I play 10x
Veteran Explorer
in the form of:
Veteran Explorer
, 4x Green Sun's Zenith, 3x Living Wish
Along with 10x Sac Outlets in the form of:
4x Cabal Therapy, 1x Phyrexian Tower, 2x Crop Rotation (grabbing Tower), 1x
Diabolic Intent
, or 3x Living Wish (this is the slowest way to sacrifice
Veteran Explorer
, and rarely the correct line, but it has come up once or twice).
Win Cons:
In fast matchups, I will often try to rush the Dark Depths combo, via Crop Rotation, Living Wish or Knight of the Reliquary.
Primeval Titan is also a big body that assembles a Marit Lage by himself (in case Titan gets plowed).
Titania, Protector of Argoth is a one-woman army, who always puts at least 10 power on board for 5 mana, but often combos with Knight of the Reliquary or Crop Rotation (rotate for a fetch land!) to put immediate pressure on your opponent.
The Wishboard:
Karakas is a wish target against Sneak and Show or Reanimator decks. In game 2, it gets brought into the main, where it can by fetched faster with Crop Rotation.
Grave Titan is a big finisher, which makes drawing Living Wish in the late game a live draw.
Vampire Hexmage + Dark Depths are the other two pieces of Marit Lage that I can tutor for when I find the other piece in my hand. Hexmage also kills Jace, the Mind Sculptor, which is a big plus.
Wasteland is primarily an answer to Glacial Chasm or Maze of Ith when I am ready to Alpha Strike. Also, you can waste your own lands if you have a Titania in play.