Army of the Corpse-Born

Commander / EDH GriffinRider


Gyoko-hime says... #1

Looks very cute! I run Grimmy myself, though a slightly different build with less counters and draw and more, well, Zombies. How is the spot removal working for you? I usually find that it doesn't do enough in multiplayer, which is what I play most of the time. Also, no Undead Warchief and Undead Alchemist? Any reasoning behind excluding those two? Love your setup! +1

January 20, 2015 10:07 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #2

I find that often the Spot Removal is sufficient, until Grimgrin himself hits the field. Once he's there, I don't really need to worry about many creatures.

Undead Alchemist was originally in here, but I swapped him out. He tried to pull this deck in a milling direction, which didn't synergise at all with any other card. I also found the Zombie tokens pretty irrelevant, as there's plenty of ways to get them without him.

Undead Warchief is a good addition. To be quite honest, I didn't actually know he existed haha. Thanks heaps for that one.

January 21, 2015 8:21 p.m.

Gyoko-hime says... #3

I agree on the milling part not being a part of the deck, I mostly keep the Alchemist around for flavor reasons. Zombies love brains, don't they? And what are your thoughts on nasty undead like Helldozer and Dralnu, Lich Lord? I think they are too circumstantial to effectively use, but I always find myself looking for ways to include them anyway...

January 28, 2015 7:50 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #4

Helldozer is a rough Mana-Cost, it's activated ability aswell. I also feel like Land Destroyal is, again, not where this deck wants to go.

Dralnu, Lich Lord is a card I have strongly considered. The biggest deterrent I have is the first clause. I feel like it's too much of a liability and might end up in me having my board wiped.

I'll proxy it and see how I feel in practice. Thanks again

January 28, 2015 6:52 p.m.

XXEmeraiXX says... #5

I'm not sure how big into flavor you are, but two cards I could see doing some good work in this deck would be Ghoulcaller Gisa and Stitcher Geralf. Ghoulcaller Gisa would work especially well if you're noticing Grimgrin being killed off a lot, so you could just sac him to her and get a bunch of zombies out of the deal.

If I had to make one comment (and this is a personal bias), letting my opponents draw more cards isn't something I'm for, which is what Kami of the Crescent Moon does. May I suggest swapping it for something like Consecrated Sphinx or Rhystic Study? I'm not 100% sure what your budget is though, so feel free to disagree with any of my ideas.

February 17, 2015 11:33 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #6

@XXEmeraiXX, that's a really interesting point you've raised. First of all, I'd like to say the reason I'm not putting too many non Zombies in is because I've found that (far too often) Noxious Ghoul will kill them all, and Nim Deathmantle can't be spread around.

Now, Stitcher Geralf actually isn't terribly relevant, as I have no real need for things in my graveyard, and I'm actually adverse to the idea of exiling my own stuff (hence no Skaabs). Now, the Zombie Tokens are nice, but I've found that there is nearly always better ways to produce them, especially if I can tutor.

Ghoulcaller Gisa is primarily out for the previous reasons: (dies to Noxious Ghoul and already enough Zombies). A 3/4 for cmc 5 with a pretty irrelevant ability just doesn't make it into the deck,

Thanks heaps for asking, though. As I said, they used to be in, but I just found them unsatisfying.

Regarding Kami of the Crescent Moon. The opponent card draw is rather annoying, as is the tough mana cost. In all honesty, I'm probably going to drop it soon. However, it can be invaluable at times, as a 1/3 for 2 is very useful, especially if I have a Deathmantle lying around.

I will probably end up switching it out for Consecrated Sphinx or Necropotence, budget permitting

February 18, 2015 3:55 a.m.

XXEmeraiXX says... #7

GriffinRider, admittedly, looking at Stitcher Geralf, his ability is admittedly rather odd, which would warrant him probably not making the deck. However, with your reasoning behind Noxious Ghoul, I can certainly appreciate why you wouldn't want to put the non-Zombies in, if only to prevent the fact that they'd die to Noxious Ghoul. However, I'm going to argue for Ghoulcaller Gisa, if only for the fact that you're playing black, which next to green, has excellent mana ramping capabilities, and also helps waste opponents' spot removal if they try to pick off other creatures. Just something I've personally noted in games where I've had her in play. Again, my personal thoughts on her, please feel free to disagree as you see fit.

Regarding Kami of the Crescent Moon, a 1/3 blocker for 2 is nice, but I feel like the cons outweigh the pros, not accounting for the Deathmantle. Between Necropotence and Consecrated Sphinx, I personally like the Sphinx since you're getting 2 cards out of the deal and you don't pay the life. But, honestly, card draw in EDH is invaluable and you can't go wrong with too many sources.

February 21, 2015 10:13 p.m.

GriffinRider says... #8

I've been thinking over Kami of the Crescent Moon, and he's now gone. Consecrated Sphinx went in.

I'll try and make some room for Gisa to see what I think of her again. She'll be maybe-boarded for now.

Thanks heaps dude!

February 22, 2015 4:18 a.m.

LT says... #9

I love this guy. I run a version of this deck myself. Zombies a GoGo. I do have a few suggestion for you. Your creature base seems pretty solid. I'd still add Gray Merchant of Asphodel. What you really need is more free stuff. Call to the Kindred is a great place to start. I'd also add Crypt of Agadeem to your land column. You'll see why later. Creature removal. Call to the Grave and Grave Pact work great. Not like your going to run out of zombies to keep the first one going. Now, more free stuff. I run Traumatize for two reasons. The first is obvious. The second, I use it on myself, especially if I have a tutor in hand first. After I mill half my library use Crypt of Agadeem to generate lots of mana...usually, but chances are in your favor. Then cast Zombie Apocalypse. Lots of free stuff. You can then sac to your hearts content to Grimgrin, Corpse-Born after playing Gray Merchant of Asphodel last for max devotion to black. If Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is on the field, rinse and repeat. With the right combination of zombies it also becomes a massive life drain and board wipe, Diregraf Captain, Vengeful Dead, Noxious Ghoul. If nothing else a massive Grimgrin, Corpse-Born is never a bad thing. I'd also ditch Coat of Arms. Too many tribal decks out there of which they also benefit from it.

February 26, 2015 12:35 p.m.

GriffinRider says... #10


First, thanks heaps for your advice.

I completely forgot that Crypt of Agadeem was a thing, to be quite honest, it was in the original version. I like Call to the Grave, but I originally had too many non zombies to make it work. I'll put it in, I think it should work better now. Call to the Kindred is also a really good idea that I forgot, thanks heaps for that.

Now, I like the idea of Traumatize (especially when followed by a Zombie Apocalypse, but I've found that Zombie Apocalypse is still potent in the late game without it. Furthermore, I don't want to try and make this deck about mill, self or otherwise. Reason being, is because it will pull this deck in too many directions. If I had Traumatize in here, I'd probably want Thought Scour aswell. And then more mill spells, mill creatures and other tech. Then I'll be looking at Dredge mechanics and there'll be non-Zombies and this deck will all turn bad. That's exactly how the original went, so for this situation, I think I'll pass, thanks anyway.

I'm intrigued by Gray Merchant of Asphodel, but I don't think that he's super necessary in this deck. He'll be maybeboarded for now.

Now I just have to figure out what to drop. Coat of Arms was due to go out anyway, because it annoyed me. Your advice only solidified this idea.

Again, thanks heaps. I took at look at your deck and it seems super solid. +1. I'll incorporate some of your advice in here of the next few days.

February 27, 2015 12:32 a.m.

LT says... #11

Sounds good and thanks for the +1. The last thing I'll say about Traumatize is that it's a solid strategy. Not always a win con, but a solid plan. I was playing at the Pro Tour in D.C. a few weeks ago and pulled a turn 6 win in a five person game because of it. Utter disbelief around the table and those watching.

February 27, 2015 7:47 a.m.

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