A somewhat budget Vampire Tribal EDH deck with Olivia Voldaren as the commander! Vampires are one of the most synergistic and fun tribes to play around with, and one of my favourite vampires ever printed was Olivia Voldaren so it made sense to use her as my vampire queen! Olivia's ability to ping a creature and then steal it as your own whilst not the main focus of the deck, is certainly a fun way to mess with your opponents! To this end we also have Captivating Vampire and New Blood to help us get our hands on the opponents goodies!
Seeing as this is a tribal deck, we have a few vampire lords (creatures that buff our vampires):
Bloodline Keeper
- Although not a lord until he flips, both sides allow you to make vampires, whilst his Lord of Lineage
side pumps our creatures up by +2/+2
Captivating Vampire - Gives our guys +1/+1, but as stated earlier if we tap 5 vampires we control, he will grab us some of the lovely creatures our opponents control! It's worth noting that as long as we have vampires to tap (this includes himself) we can use his ability more than once a turn, even on our opponents turns!
Metallic Mimic - This slot can also be taken up by Adaptive Automotonwhilst both functionally the same, the mimic is cheaper to cast, and it applies counters to the creatures as they enter meaning losing mimic isn't as big a deal, so it won out. As it enters the battlefield we name Vampire of course! allowing other vampires to get the +1/+1 counter on them as they enter the battlefield!
Stromkirk Captain - our final lord of the night! a simple +1/+1 to all other vampires, but the relevant text here is that he gives them all First Strike as well!
It is worth noting here that the artifacts Door of Destinies and Vanquisher's Banner also buff our creatures, with door easily making our guys huge with very little effort, and the banner allowing us to draw cards with each vampire we cast!
Okay so now that we have buffed our vampires to high heaven, there are a few cards that care specifically about our creatures being Vampires:
Blade of the Bloodchief - puts two +1/+1 counters on equipped vampire anytime any creature dies
Vampiric Fury - A cheap combat trick, gives our vampires +2/+0 and first strike till end of turn, can be replaced with Urge to Feed for extra counters synergy or removed completly, just a neat trick for extra damage/triggers
New Blood - Tap a vampire, gain control of a creature. not much else to say here
Blood Tribute - Optional Kicker cost that lets you to tap a vampire to gain the life target opponent lost
Malakir Bloodwitch - Can be one of our win cons depending on the state of the board, mass life loss and some tasty lifegain to boot!
Rakish Heir - Puts a +1/+1 counter on each vampire that deals damage to an opponent in any given turn!
Sanctum Seeker - since we are attacking with our vampires a lot why not benefit from our dastardly deeds? Upon declaring our attacks, each opponent loses 1 life for each vampire that is attacking and we gain 1 life!
Unclaimed Territory - okay so its a land, but taps for red or black mana to cast our vampires!
Now by this point you may be wondering what win conditions do these creatures of the night present to us? Well the simple answer is the deck has a lot of incidental damage that goes around! As well as a spicy well known combo that fits the vampire theme perfectly! So lets begin:
Blood Artist and Falkenrath Noble - In any given commander game one this is certain, creatures will die. And that is where these two beauties shine! Each time a creature goes to the graveyard, they will deal 1 damage to a target opponent, and we gain 1 life, this works nicely with our combo later on, but across the game can do significant damage if your opponents aren't careful enough!
Erebos, God of the Dead - okay so not a win condition on his own, but being difficult to remove, and stopping our opponents gaining life is certainly relevant here!
Sanctum Seeker - As Stated above
Malakir Bloodwitch - As Stated above
Sangromancer - This one works in conjunction with the combo later on, gaining 3 life for each time an opponent discards a card or one of their creatures dies, really helps us stay in the game
Twilight Prophet - Okay so this one requires a little bit of set up to get the city's blessing (control 10 or more permanents) but once there you have it for the rest of the game, and that's where the prophet comes in. Now most likely each upkeep you will hit each of your opponents for between 4 and 6 damage and you gain that much life, but there are a few cmc 7 cards and of course that cheeky cmc 9 In Garruk's Wake to hit for a little more if you're lucky!
Bloodchief Ascension - Once you have 3 or more quest counters on it, punishing your opponents each time a card goes to their graveyard is mighty fine indeed! The loss of 2 life for your opponent and the gaining of 2 life really comes in handy in longer games if this doesn't get removed!
Painful Quandary - works nicely with the above ascension for getting counters on it as well as the second ability! giving the opponent a choice of 5 damage or discard a card each time they cast a spell is a great way to gain the upper hand, but be warned it may also bring you some unwanted hate!
Okay so I've kept you in suspense for far too long, the game ending infinite combo! I'm sure some of you have already guessed or maybe played against it before, but for those who haven't here it is:
Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond + any form of life loss/gain: Okay so lets start with the two main pieces, Exquisite Blood allows us to gain life each time an opponent loses life (for example we attack them with a few creatures and they let one through and take 2 damage, we then gain 2 life because the opponent lost 2 life). Now Sanguine Bond does the opposite, every time we gain life (so in the above example we gained 2) we can choose a target opponent to lose that much life. Now once we have both enchantments on the battlefield they'll feed off each other an infinite amount of times, allowing us to kill all of our opponents from 1 measly life loss/gain. This works great with many of the cards listed above or when used with Exsanguinate, Profane Command, Kolaghan's Command or from a Sorin Markov +2! so to summarise - Exquisite Blood = opponent loses life we gain that much life Sanguine Bond then deals that damage back to an opponent which then starts the infinite combo off! Be warned though a lot of play groups aren't big fans of Infinite combos so play this one by ear!
There we have it, a sweet little tribal deck for all you vampire lovers out there! Feel free to tweak the list to what you prefer, Adding in Fetch lands will help with the mana base if you can afford them! Cabal Coffers with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is great for mana ramp, and Cavern of Souls helps you drop creatures without those pesky blue players interfering! Feel free to add any ideas in the comments below to help any new players looking to play the deck or even fellow vampire enthusiasts! With the release of Ravnica Allegiance I would also be tempted to replace Terminate with Bedevil and I'm sure the cult of rakdos will have more goodies for us in the coming weeks! Above all remember EDH is a casual format that revolves around having fun! so be sure to make the most of it and enjoy some multiplayer magic with friends!