Modern UWR Control

Modern BiggestJohn


Seiza says... #1

I play a similar but more spell heavy version, maybe you will be inspired :) +1 Ceanys' delight

December 25, 2013 7:37 a.m.

emask says... #2

+1, I like this a lot.

In my experience, I do find the scepter too slow or at least unreliable. It also removes a resource from your hand to imprint. Not saying it isn't good by any means, just that I think for reliability's sake you could do better with another utility card.

Hurkyl's Recall looks solid. I would suggest testing with Ghostly Prison maybe instead. I've found this card extremely helpful especially against Affinity. It works very well against many decks and isn't too popular a card.

I would also suggest perhaps more card draw/library manipulation. Serum Visions is great, but sometimes I feel it doesn't do enough. Electrolyze is a solid card. Magma Jet is my choice, but that's because I run a deck with a lower curve.

Anyways, I think your list looks solid. If you're interested, I have a list called Deft Punk that's pretty different from the typical UWR Modern builds, but it has been working very well for me.

Good luck!

January 3, 2014 7:12 p.m.

I think u absolutly need hurkyl's recall for affinity and tron, ghost quarter also might be good for tron

January 30, 2014 2:17 a.m.

diatryma says... #4

4x Legendary = epic dead draws. But if you like it go for it.

February 18, 2014 11:33 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #5

You may want to check out my deck for inspiration and idea on how to make improvements. I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid you can't do that.

February 12, 2015 3:39 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #6

The deck looks really solid! I would recommend a few changes to the mana though -

Remove -

-1 Plains

-1 Mountain

-2 Island

Add -

1 Sacred Foundry

1-2 Tectonic Edge

1-2 Sulfur Falls

February 13, 2015 2:04 a.m.

BiggestJohn says... #7

I was thinking of tweeking the mana base but i was thinking more along the lines of adding some Arid Mesas to help ensure color fixing. I appreciate the suggestions however and was wondering if you could expand on it a little bit. I'm not sure if I really want Tectonic Edge at all. It won't really help me in the tron match ups since by the time they have 4 they usually have tron active. If you could elaborate on why I should add Sulfur Falls and the Sacred Foundry that would be much appreciated.

February 13, 2015 11:12 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #8

I don't think Sulfur Falls is necessary, but I do think that Sacred Foundry probably is. You shouldn't need more than 1 of each basic - besides Island - and cutting 1x Plains and 1x Mountain for 1x Sacred Foundry leaves you with essentially the same mana, but with a little more room for utility lands (i.e Sulfur Falls, Tectonic Edge etc.).

Sulfur Falls is just a utility land in my eyes, and could be replaced with Tectonic Edge, Desolate Lighthouse, or any other land. I chose Sulfur Falls because it helps you cast Cryptic Command

Tectonic Edge is a little weird because it doesn't help you cast Cryptic Command, but it can screw them on colored mana and hits manlands. It also makes Mana Leak better, if you choose to play that card. If Tron is an issue, you could probably play Ghost Quarter, since it hits Tron lands before turn 4.

Hope this makes sense, and good luck with the deck :)

February 13, 2015 2:41 p.m.

BiggestJohn says... #9

Yeah that made it way more clear for me thank you. probably gonna cut the basics then, and add in that Sacred Foundry and an Arid Mesa or 2. I just don't wanna get screwed by Blood Moon

Are you familiar with the current modern meta at all? I was wondering what was gonna be the go-to decks I should be building against. Also do you think I should go back to 4X Geist of Saint Trafts in the now podless and cruiseless modern? Or should I use Keranos, God of Storms and Celestial Colonnades as my main win cons?

February 13, 2015 4:03 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #10

No problem :)

The bannings changed up the meta a bit, and I don't think the meta has settled itself out completely, but right now I think the top decks to beat would include:

  • B/Gx Midrange
  • U/R Twin
  • Affinity
  • Scapeshift
  • Tron
  • U/Wx Control
  • Burn

I expect B/Gx to be a large proportion of the field, so I wouldn't add Geist of Saint Traft until there is a decrease of the B/Gx decks. Geist of Saint Traft is great versus combo, so If that becomes the prominent archetype, I think that would be a great time to add Geist of Saint Traft. But for now you are probably better off without him.

Your SB looks pretty well suited to fight the meta, but I would try and add a couple Wear / Tear and a Batterskull. If zoo picks up in popularity, you could probably replace Pyroclasm with Anger of the Gods. Aven Mindcensor should be a card to keep in mind if Scapeshift and Gifts Ungiven decks start showing up.

February 13, 2015 6 p.m.

BiggestJohn says... #11

you are right about the B/G/x decks they gonna be very popular. Thanks for the quick breakdown, I do need to get some Aven Mindcensors. which match ups would i put in Batterskull?, the B/G/x makes the most sense. and what do i want Wear / Tear for?

February 14, 2015 3:15 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #12

Batterskull would most likely go in the B/Gx like you said, as well as the mirror and in aggro decks like Zoo. You could also put it in versus Scapeshift to try and get out of range.

Wear / Tear hits a a lot in modern like Blood Moon, Jeskai Ascendancy (if that is still a thing), Pyromancer Ascension, Amulet of Vigor, enemy Batterskulls and other random artifacts and enchantments. There is potential to 2 for 1 with the fuse ability; and you can reuse it with Snapcaster Mage, which is always nice.

February 14, 2015 3:38 a.m.

BiggestJohn says... #13

that makes sense, ill tweak the sideboard tomorrow what should come out?

February 14, 2015 3:58 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #14

Sorry, I must have missed the notification for this. If you want to catch me up on any updates I'd be happy to continue helping with the deck!

Also, I found a pretty sweet Geist of Saint Traft deck if you are still interested in using him. Here is the Youtube Link - #TeamGeist.

And here is my version of the list if you are interested - Jeskai Midrange. (I still need to test Valorous Stance).

February 24, 2015 3:17 a.m.

BiggestJohn says... #15

I used to run Geist of Saint Traft in my deck. The only difference was i used 4 Cryptic Command which neither you nor teamgeist is using (THANKS FOR THE LINKS THO SUPER HELPFUL!!!!!). the question is, is Cryptic Command still worth it? Or do you personally think that the teamgeist version will be superior in the modern meta. Cause I do plan to play competitively, and I want your opinion, you seem to know about the modern meta. At my lgs i saw a lot of affinity and B/G decks, and a good amount of tron as well.

February 24, 2015 11:19 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #16

Personally, I would either go full control with Cryptic Command and no Geist of Saint Traft, or full Geist of Saint Traft and no Cryptic Command. In a Geist of Saint Traft deck you typically want cheaper tempo spells like Remand, but if you really want to support 1-2 Cryptic Command I think you could.

As far as your meta goes, Cryptic Command is bad versus affinity, pretty good versus BGx (depending on their decklist), pretty bad versus MonoU Tron, and decent versus RG depending on how fast they assemble tron.

I really like the TeamGeist version right now because they have had positive win rates versus BGx where it was a traditionally unfavorable matchup for the Geist player.

February 25, 2015 1:13 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #17

Replace Think Twice with Shadow of Doubt, and remove the 2nd Vendilion Clique. You probably don't need 2 in the current meta.

March 8, 2015 1:07 a.m.

I would be running some Mana Leak for early game counters. To that end Clique needs to be Side boarded and I would remove either a single Lightning Helix or Cryptic Command. Trust me, this archetype used to be my baby. Oh... and try and find room for a Narset Transcendent when she's released. I suspect she'll be worth it.

March 8, 2015 1:17 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #19

CanadianShinobi Probably not worth the 4 CMC slot.

March 9, 2015 5:50 a.m.

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