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BR Madness





Creature (1)

This deck seeks to use Discard and Madness mechanics to cast things cheaper and play aggressive creatures. Insolent Neonate, Olivia's Dragoon and Putrid Imp are the discard outlets that are good evasive creatures. Our discard payoffs include Fiery Temper, Alms of the Vein and Senseless Rage. In the sideboard we have Dangerous Wager and Read the Bones to help us refuel to get some card draw, four copies of Lightning Bolt just because.... it's Lightning Bolt. And lastly, a couple more copies of Grave Scrabbler against burn to keep a board presence. Suggestions are always appreciated! Thanks for looking.


Updates Add

Just a minor update, switching out Bola Warrior to bring in Kris Mage. This'll help lower the curve and get some potential finishing damage and what not. Also bringing in Gorgon Recluse to the sideboard against non-Black match-ups. Again, thanks for looking!


Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.27
Folders Madness, Decks I wanna make
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