That's my secret weapon when it comes to annoy those who want to play a casual game with me.The deck is all about controlling the opponents mana and speed - we want to turn the game into a crawl - for him/her while slowly developing an unbeatable board position.It started out as a Land-Destruction deck and sloooowly evolved into its current form. While it still can slow games down by attacking the Mana, it's hard to really make out the "focus" so i try a little card by card explanation starting with
The land
12 Basics make us fast and resilent against nonbasic hate.
6 Shock-Duals offer just the colors we need while being fetchable with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
2 Halimar Depths ensure that we draw some buisness.
2 Khalni Gardens create blockers - something we really need against aggressive MU'S. But that's not even all: Those 0/1 plants are the perfect target for
1 Kessig Wolf Run allowing us to threaten lots and lots of damage and make blocking extraordinary hard for our poor opponents.
1 Dust Bowl helps alot against Multicolor decks with lost of nonbasics - We often have some spare lands to make sure that they are color screwed.
Avarice Totem is my petcard in this deck. The things you can do with it are HILARIOUS.
First: You can remove attackers from combat or steal a potential blocker to 2 for 1 opponents.
Second: It can serve as a 5x Stonerain against other control-decks relying on few wincons.
Third: Stealing Planeswalkers and ultimate them is fun.
Fourth: Bouncing the Totem for extravalue is a reason to break out in evil laughter (Hint: When someone tries to swith back the Totem be sure to have a Repeal in hand...)
Fifth: There is a mean little "secret" trick you can pull of once you have reached 10 mana;
1)Target a useless permanent you own with the Totems ability (like a 0/1 plant token or a witness that has done its job...)
2) In response to that target a big fancy permanent your opponent controls (But make sure he has no 5 mana open)
3) Profit. You end up with the opponents permanent and he will be stuck with your plant - with the Totem still on your side of the field to do it again...Yes, I really like this card :-)
Propaganda serves against Aggrodecks. With some chump-blockers and bounce spells it can make attacking rather tedious for your opponent.
Sakura-Tribe Elder IS one of those chump-blockers. Additionally he ramps us so thats a good thing. Not much to say here.
Krosan Tusker is this deck's way to draw some cards. Being almost uncounterable and providing us with at least one land is a good thing. The fact that he can beat once Board-position is developed is just the icing. Great card.
Primeval Titan is there mainly to search for Kessig Wolf Run and a red source of Mana (wich one could that be...? :-) ). Other uses include searching for Plant-Tokens, ensuring card quality and of course beating some faces in.
Eternal Witness is there to recurr our cards (duh!)Against greend decks he provides you with a lock in conjunction with Wash Out (Guess how this one works out...;-) )
Garruk, Primal Hunter is pure and utter card-advantage pooping out tokens and cards and tokens and cards... and tokens. He is a win con too. Oh and did i mention that he draws us MANY cards in conjunction with Kessig Wolf Run?
Repeal is our tempocard and brings some great utility. It slows down the opponents, rescues important permanents and draws a card. Whats's not to like? Synergyzes with our ETB-Effects and of course Avarice Totem
Wash Out resets the opponents board. At least I hope so. The fact that it affects all PERMANENTS of a specific color influenced me in taking this over lets say EvacuationAs a substitute one can always use Aether Gale.
Come to think of it...
Mwonvuli Acid-Moss color screws. Ramps. Destroys lands. Causes "Player lost"s. Love it.
Primal Command tutors for Titan, gains life and keeps the opponent from drawing cards. Oh and against those damn Mill-Decks it saves your ass.
Temporal Spring CMC 3 Timewalk with an attached bounce-spell. Take it! Petcard of mine. People don't seem to know it wich makes me even fonder of using it :-)
Rude Awakening is a finisher and kills players out of nowhere.
SB is a WIP bust mostly against those deck aiming for your dome. Chill kills red. Needle is an answer against problem cards and the other two provide you with a body and some lifegain.