A Sliver of Hope

Commander / EDH _Delta_


_Delta_ says... #1

Thanks for the upvote Bassmaster!

June 3, 2016 10:39 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

As a fellow sliver player, i'll definitely help. Thanks for the +1 on my deck as well. So...where to begin? Well first of all, I think having a unique name for your deck is a good start. That's entirely up to you, but it helps. Also, having a proper layout for your deck page, like having a little prompt on how your deck works will go a long way. Check out Epochalyptik's Getting more views on your decks as a starting guide. Now down to your deck itself.

  1. Define your wincons. I see you have Sliver Queen, Mana Echoes, Basal Sliver and Training Grounds...the usual suspects...but what else? What happens if one or all of your pieces are gone? From my experience there are plenty of opponents who have seen all the Queen combos and know full well how to defeat them. Do you think you have the right combination of slivers who can pick up the slack?

  2. Fix your manabase. one of the coolest features of tapped out is your land to spell mana ratio (top right of the screen?). I don't think you have enough manafixing in your deck, but on top of that you don't have nearly enough [symbol:G] mana. 18 sources of [symbol:G] to 32 spells that need it? Not a good ratio.

  3. This is pretty similar to point number 2, but Rocks. Get them. I see you have Sol Ring, which is nice and all but you need more than just that. Fellwar Stone is good, Coalition Relic is also kind of a staple in Sliver EDH as well. Slivers are slow. They need alot of manabase support and rocks to get them going.

  4. Last but not least, decide on the playstyle of this deck. It looks like you're going for a more combo based EDH deck, so i'd consider switching out my general for the queen, and put in some other non-sliver creatures to help support the hive. Here is one possible example: Sliver Queen EDH Also, more importantly here is a list of EDH staple cards: EDH Staples you can use this as a point of reference for any other cards you think you might need.

June 6, 2016 6:54 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #3

I never got around to doing a better description for this yet, sorry. I still don't have Sliver Legion and Sliver Queen as of yet, Sliver Overlord and Sliver Hivelord are the two I have. I'm aware of the playstyles for slivers and what I had wanted to try differently was to have Sliver Overlord as a means to tutor for whatever sliver is needed at the time and either win later by overwhelming force, but to also have Sliver Queen as another separate win condition.

The mana base I will see what I can do, I still have to actually trade/buy for most of the ones I had listed anyways. So I will see how I can change it later by starting it from one land at a time after I decide on the rest of the deck for sure.

One thing I was trying to do you might have noticed was to have mainly a deck of only permanents for cards like Genesis Wave and Primal Surge. I will consider whether or not I'm keeping this if going just for more draw cards like Rhystic Study and such.

I'm quite aware of that list of Edh staples, but thank you for sharing it again. I might give it another look. I was considering Urabrask the Hidden as well as maybe Sylvan Library, although I'm not sure what else I want from there. Sylvan Library I don't however own and I'm probably not willing to buy it right now, so my hope is I can get it this June 18th from a sealed event my local game store is doing soon after the release of Eternal Masters. It's unfortunate I hadn't started playing commander earlier, I missed out on my chance to use my Prophet of Kruphix. I'm still fairly new to commander I started about I want to say 10-11 months ago, and before that I only started playing magic at around Journey into Nyx and I unfortunately am lacking a lot of older cards that I'm now wanting for Edh.

Anyways thank you for pointing out Coalition Relic I had actually forgot about that, and overall thank you LVL_666 for taking the time to help out.

June 6, 2016 8:15 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #4

Oh and also thank you for the upvote LVL_666!

June 6, 2016 8:16 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #5

Question: Why aren't you using Heart Sliver? Blur Sliver for the most part is strictly worse. I use both, because despite being strictly worse, Blur isn't that bad. I tend to go for redundancy in Sliver abilities, because there are some abilities you can't really do without.

June 9, 2016 9:50 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #6

Well I had Urabrask the Hidden instead, the thing is I don't have Heart Sliver currently I still have to buy/trade for 1.

June 9, 2016 9:53 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #7

However I might consider swapping Blur Sliver for Heart Sliver if I already have Urabrask.

June 9, 2016 9:59 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #8

Thanks for the upvote Zimmers_0, although as surely you must have noticed I haven't got around to finishing remaking this deck. I will get around to it someday, but anyways thanks for taking a look at this deck and up voting.

August 15, 2016 10:28 p.m.

Pozo2212 says... #9

Aren't you playing too much aggro removal in an aggro deck? I know its important to keep clean the blood line of Slivers but you can add Vizier of the Menagerie and Seedborn Muse. Also you can play, Call to the Kindred, Distant Melody.

June 24, 2017 9:38 p.m.

van_963 says... #10

why not replace blur sliver with Firewake Sliver. Its more or less the same thing except the mana cost

November 12, 2017 3:52 p.m.

van_963 says... #11

I was wondering why mirari's wake as not in the deck?

May 18, 2018 7:08 p.m.

Sadly, the code doesn't work on your deck. You're going to have to ask Yeago about giving you coding perms!

August 14, 2018 9:34 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #13

No worries scotchtapedsleeves, I probably will do an account upgrade on here also I’m thinking soon.

August 14, 2018 10:29 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #14

Awesome deck. +1 for the hive. So I see you run Armageddon , had you considered Jokulhaups works really well when you gemhide etc are indestructible. Also, if you'd have a look at my deck and give opinion I'd really appreciate it. Sliver Swarm

January 24, 2019 8:34 a.m.

Argonne1 check this out for some help on your deck

May 23, 2019 10:20 a.m.

Argonne sorry

May 23, 2019 10:30 a.m.

Mike134 says... #17

Isn't Paradox Engine still banned?

December 20, 2019 3:46 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #18


Mike134, yes. It is. Thanks for reminding me of my eternal pain without my sweet baby. Curse you rules committee!

December 20, 2019 3:54 p.m. Edited.

Mike134 says... #19


I feel ya lol. Had to remove it from my Urza deck.

December 20, 2019 4:48 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #20

Mike134 - it's because of Urza that Paradox Engine was banned in the first place! A curse on Urza!

December 21, 2019 9:13 p.m.

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