

Instant (1)

Hedron Crab: one of the deadliest mill cards in this deck, it's a serious threat if not destroyed early, specially in combo with Fraying Sanity and some Fetchlands.

Manic Scribe: this cart is not seen very often in mill decks, but I've discovered it is a real pain in the ass, in combo with Fraying Sanity.

Mesmeric Orb: Honestly, I don't like this card, it makes your opponent mill a lot, but you too will mill a lot, specially because you'll find yourself very often with all your lands tapped. With that said, it remains a great mill card, and a pillar of mill decks.

Fraying Sanity: when it comes into play it's almost surely a win for you: in combo with Archive Trap, Glimpse the Unthinkable and Mind Funeral it truly becomes deadly.

Archive Trap: used in combo with Field of Ruin, Path to Exile and opponents' fetchlands, its the card that makes the opponent mill the most.

Crypt Incursion: one in mainboard just in case, one in side against more creatures based decks.

Ipnu Rivulet: late game finisher with it's 4-milling capability.

Surgical Extraction: most players put this card in sideboard, but imho it's perfect in main: you'll find almost always a main card in your opponent's deck.


Damnation: against tokens decks or aggro decks that put lots of creatures in the early turns.

Fragmentize: fear no more Blood Moon or Leyline of Sanctity.

Lost Legacy: g2 card, take out the most important card for your opponent, such as Emrakul, the Aeons Torn that obliterates your mill chances when put in a graveyard.

Rest in Peace: with this card you'll prevent dredge decks from take benefits from your mill strategy. No undeads on the battlefield.

Stony Silence: against Affinity, UTron decks.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 2 Mythic Rares

31 - 8 Rares

23 - 2 Uncommons

1 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
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