Have been playing a few variants of aura/enchantment focused decks and having a lot of fun doing so; I would like to have this evolve to a point where it is competitive at my local FNM standard nights.
Any feedback will be appreciated, thanks in advance!
So here is how it works:
Mistcutter Hydra my local meta is almost all control and this thing rolls right on through them. Is almost always made to fly with an aura and hits real hard.
Fleecemane Lion
this is the most important card in here. Can hit hard quite early on. Always goes monstrous and once he does there is no stopping him. I like to get him out turn 2 then turn 3
Ephara's Enlightenment
and keep pumping him by returning the aura to my hand and re casting. Eventually
Gift of Orzhova
him for flying life gain death machine.
Sylvan Caryatid self explanatory really. Gives me mana, avoids those early kills with hexproof, chump as needed
Brimaz, King of Oreskos this guy is a tank. I hold a special place in my heart for vigilance but a this guy goes above and beyond. Great investment any way you look at it.
Thassa, God of the Sea the purpose here is to scry. The unblockable can of course be useful later on if i can't find
Gift of Orzhova
Ephara's Enlightenment
Heliod, God of the Sun makes my fliers vigilant so I can block as needed, also can be made to fly and reliably hit for lots. Reliably comes online mid game and is a force to be reckoned with once he does. Have also been pumping out tokens when i have no other use for my mana.
AEtherling another win condition. There is really not much that can be done to deal with this guy.
Detention Sphere self explanatory, get rid of those nasty planeswalkers and the like.
Ephara's Enlightenment
makes guys bigger, either a live god or a
Fleecemane Lion
. Returns to hand to make other dudes bigger.
Gift of Orzhova
again, makes guys fly and gets me some life back that I will have lost by the time this all gets up and running
Kiora, the Crashing Wave alternate win con if I can get her emblem out. Mostly in here for a back and forth between drawing as needed and preventing me from getting hit too hard.
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes this guy. What a guy. Mostly want him to find the stuff I need most at the time, if I have a loaded hand or am close to the win his counter can be dumped on a flying god to seal the deal. If I just happen to get off that ultimate well that's just gonna be a barrel of fun right?
Elspeth, Sun's Champion rather self explanatory, makes dorks which can be either offensive or defensive and on the rare occasion i can get out her emblem then she becomes a win condition.
Oppressive Rays
helps slow down Aggro, which is my primary weakness honestly.
Pithing Needle nullifies planeswalkers with built in defense like Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Kiora, the Crashing Wave which are seen rather often in my meta.
Wear / Tear gets rid if Detention Sphere or even Madcap Skills which both cause a stir for me. Have used Sylvan Caryatid to destroy a Pithing Needle once or twice
Ready / Willing dodges Supreme Verdict which hurts before I can make
Fleecemane Lion
monstrous. Can in rare circumstances be cast for both sides to Untap guys to block and gain life back while annihilating opponents field.