Naya Tokens

Standard bjanisze


Crazydude391 says... #1

This is looking to be really fun, and really good, too. I would actually take out Thalia's Lieutenant, because you are not necessarily hoarding the board with humans. If you're attached to it then you should try Thraben Inspector.

October 26, 2016 1:17 p.m.

bjanisze says... #2

Crazydude391 Even though it doesn't look like I'm flooding the board with humans, I actually make quite a few from the human token makers. Hanweir Garrison pumps out two each attack per copy which both trigger the Lieutenant. Also a flipped Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip makes a human on the end step. Also the Lieutenant draws out opponent removal spells, so it is good as a false must kill target. The deck plays with a fine balance between slow and thinking and exploding into aggressive attacks. Basically I'm trying to milk as much value from each spell as I can.

October 28, 2016 9:28 p.m.

WailGod says... #3

Oath of Gideon could be some fun

November 1, 2016 3:24 p.m.

WailGod says... #4

Oath of Gideon could be some fun

November 1, 2016 3:26 p.m.

K0ch3 says... #5

Nice deck, +1 here. Instead of Declaration in Stone I used Stasis Snare, this let's you hit the vehicles they crew on their turn. Take a look and mine: Naya Tokens (KLD)

November 6, 2016 8:10 a.m.

bjanisze says... #6

K0ch3 Thanks, I like your deck's plan. It preforms very well. In my play group not too many people are running vehicles, so I am able to worry about them off the sideboard. We tend to see a lot of control and delirium decks, so the Declaration in Stone just provide more value starting out.

November 12, 2016 1:12 a.m.

SaintedPlacebo says... #7

if you are running red why not run hanweir garrison? it is too big for shock and fatal push and it makes 2 tokens every attack step that stay.

February 25, 2017 1:15 a.m.

bjanisze says... #8

I did run the Hanweir Garrison, but I found that never gave me good value. I switched to the Tireless Tracker for the clues which give me some longer term value. But, I'm always ready to go back if the meta in my area changes.

February 26, 2017 2:12 p.m.

gloryboxx says... #9

i really like this deck - def will consider building it. Why advocate? straight value?

March 8, 2017 5:34 p.m.

bjanisze says... #10

gloryboxx, Sylvan Advocate is in the deck for value purposes, but is also there to catch people off guard with Needle Spires. If you build it let me know if you enjoy it. It is always great to announce surge cost Reckless Bushwhacker and see people realize what just happened.

March 8, 2017 10:20 p.m.

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