
Commander / EDH DeathBySprnkles


Getting Darksteel Forge out on turn 5 —Nov. 9, 2020

In a recent game, I stumbled upon a combo that I never thought about. In my opening hand, it consisted of Grand Architect, 2 Mountain, Highland Lake, Xenograft, Izzet Locket, and Darksteel Forge. I look at it and in my head I say, "It would be nice to get that Darksteel Forge out but there is no chance." Skip to turn three, after drawing Temple of Epiphany, Island, and Myr Turbine, I play Grand Architect to the field. Next turn, play a land, tap 4 mana and tapped the Grand Architect to use it's own ability to bring in my Commander,Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer. Combat phase happens, Brudiclad ability triggers and I get a lovely Blue Myr. Turn Five is when it when the game kind of turned in my favor. Upkeep, Draw Mirrodin Besieged, play a land, tap 3, play Mirrodin Besieged, chose Mirran, tap the Architect and a mountain, play Izzet Locket, gain a Myr, tap Brudiclad, the blue myr, and Izzet Locket to cast Myr Turbine, gain a second myr, tap the Turbine to get a third myr. PreCombat, create a blue Myr, choose the blue Myr token and convert all the tokens to blue Myrs. Second main phase, tap all of the remaining blue myrs and a land to cast Darksteel Forge and gaining another colorless Myr.