Damn lagotripha thank you so much. Definitely need to rework the deck a bit.
September 12, 2018 9:55 a.m.
Flooremoji says... #3
I would say it's actually a Ghost Quarter + Maelstrom Pulse, but it really is something too look out for I agree. Like the deck!
September 12, 2018 2:10 p.m.
Ill check that out JKRice thank you. Any suggestions for what I should get rid of? Warping Wail?
October 17, 2018 5:52 p.m.
Actually yeah. Warping wail is a good card, but it is sdefinitely more of a sideboard card than anything else, and will only play a role in a few matchups.
October 17, 2018 5:56 p.m.
DeviousPenguin666 says... #7
Nice deck! The one thing I would change is Wurmcoil Engine over Batterskull. +1!
November 21, 2018 10:43 a.m.
It's incredible to see an Eldrazi deck, for me at least, because I'm new to the game. Be careful for Declaration in Stone, though, as it can target your Eldrazi majority. I have the same problem with my cat deck.
January 5, 2019 2:32 p.m.
im not big on eldrazi on the current metagame,
maybe if it keeps slowing down e-tron could be good,
its definitely proven it likes a grindy disruptive meta.
but i think to be competitive with e-tron right now mainboard relic and batterskull are exactly where you want to be,
id keep running this list and see how it goes
January 9, 2019 8:10 p.m.
Thanks wolfhead Ill keep running it at see how it goes. Still working with number so might add in more relics and batterskulls.
January 11, 2019 11:11 a.m.
Dreamweav3r says... #13
You want as many Endbringer as possible in the main, it's one of the best cards besides TKS and Smasher. Spellskite mainboard is out of place, especially since I spot some Karns in the sideboard. From my experience playing Eldrazi Tron you're going to want both All Is Dust in the main because you lose so horribly to Aggro you want to have as many outs as possible. Zhalfirin Void is great if you can slide one in.
lagotripha says... #1
There are eldrazi-tron primers out there which cover most of the key points far better than I can. I've seen players shift to eldrazi and taxes or green tron, but I can't speak to exactly what is causing that shift without piloting it.
I'm gonna talk metagame. Relic of Progenitus is pretty much mandatory maindeck now thanks to Ironworks combo and Hollow One/Vengevine decks, with a side order of old-style storm.
Humans and other aggro (complete with Meddling Mage and Kitesail Freebooter), with sideboarded Damping Sphere or Alpine Moon are the other new hurdle. Secondarily - watch out for those Heroic Intervention in every green list with creatures.
Look forward to Abrupt Decay and Path to Exile's bastard child, Assassin's Trophy. It can hit lands. This will be a major tool for B/G/x- upping spellskite count might be attractive depending on how it makes it into the meta, although with any luck it'll make KCI less dominant.
September 11, 2018 1:47 p.m.