Can you not? ~Enchantress Primer~
Commander / EDH
discipleofgary73 says... #2
@YourGod: I definitely thought about that one (or Ghostly Prison) because it's a sweet card for the price, but in play testing, having access to Sphere of Safety never became too much of an issue, so I ended up not wanting to double up on that mechanic in particular. I have also considered putting in a Blazing Archon, though it is super expensive (maybe a good fetch with Defense of the Heart?). Redundancy is nice. I'll probably end up throwing one of those options into my sideboard if I come up against a creature-heavy deck.
April 25, 2016 6:33 p.m.
DaringApprentice says... #3
Nice deck! I've been considering what an EDH enchantress deck would look like, and this deck has a lot of the cards I was thinking about initially. I dig that you have all the enchantresses, as well as Enchanted Evening, Hanna, Ship's Navigator, and Dominating Licid in this one. Are you interested in suggestions? If so, are you open to using more Auras in this deck? Also, have you considered how to use Derevi, Empyrial Tactician in this deck, or are they the commander mainly for color identity reasons?
October 10, 2016 1:24 a.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #4
I would love some suggestions! Getting others' perspective is one of my favorite things about deck building. Derevi was, initially, for color identity reasons (most EDH enchantress find much more fitting commanders by going for WUB rather than WUG). But, after playing this deck several times, I finally figured out that getting her into play early and untapping my lands was incredibly beneficial and could be finessed. It's definitely something I would be willing to adjust the deck to take more advantage of.
October 10, 2016 1:33 a.m.
DaringApprentice says... #5
My initial thoughts were about Theros gods, namely, Thassa, God of the Sea, Nylea, God of the Hunt, Ephara, God of the Polis, and Karametra, God of Harvests. They can be big creatures, and have nice effects on their own. You could also look into Spear of Heliod, Bident of Thassa, and Bow of Nylea.
Enchantment cards that I found listed on include Aura Shards, Sylvan Library, Stasis, Nature's Will, Aura of Silence, Rising Waters, Darksteel Mutation, Oblivion Ring, and Detention Sphere.
October 10, 2016 2:51 a.m.
DaringApprentice says... #6
Some more enchantment-focused cards include Vernal Equinox (risky), Plea for Guidance, and Fountain Watch.
I would also recommend adding Terramorphic Expanse to your lands, and maybe including Aegis of the Gods. The Archetype of Courage, Archetype of Imagination, and Archetype of Endurance cards can also be fun.
For somewhat risky enchantment-based creatures, you could use Tethered Griffin, Auratog, or Endless Wurm. For the latter two, something like Rancor can combo well with the enchantment sacrifice.
October 10, 2016 2:58 a.m.
DaringApprentice says... #7
If you decide you want to add in more Aura cards, consider also adding Bruna, Light of Alabaster, Kor Spiritdancer, Umbra Mystic, Sigarda's Aid, Sovereigns of Lost Alara, Three Dreams, Daybreak Coronet, Eidolon of Countless Battles, Hero of Iroas, Nomad Mythmaker, Crown of the Ages, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, and Bear Umbra, in addition to whatever other Auras you might want to include, such as Flickering Ward, Pemmin's Aura, or Eldrazi Conscription.
October 10, 2016 3:22 a.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #8
@DaringApprentice - Wow, thanks for all the suggestions! There was a lot to mull over. I thought about the other Theros gods when I was first putting this deck together, and they were some of the last cards I cut. It came down to Heliod, God of the Sun and Kruphix, God of Horizons working better within the deck. I'll have to revisit them now that I've played it a bunch though (cutting Soul Sculptor for sure, though I'd probably just add a land there). The artifacts for them are pretty awesome though. I definitely am leaning towards the Bow of Nylea and the Spear of Heliod.
For the others in that post, I like Sylvan Library (though it's a bit pricey $ wise), Stasis would be risky for me unless I re-outfitted to take full advantage of Derevi. Nature's Will is pretty funny; I don't remember coming across that one. I'm not sure how much I want to rely on my creatures, though. Aura Shards and Aura of Silence I never thought about putting in, mostly because I don't have too many issues destroying things if I go that route, and creatures, again, aren't something I end up utilizing very much. I like Stasis better than Rising Waters, but gotta appreciate older blue control. Darksteel Mutation will probably go in, as Song of the Dryads is one of my favorites, so doubling up would be nice. Oblivion Ring and Detention Sphere are good control options, but also limited in a sense.
For the second post, I like the Archetypes, and will probably put at least Archetype of Imagination in, even if more for a defensive use. Aegis of the Gods is a better Ivory Mask, so it's just negligence that's not in there now! Fountain Watch seemed overkill with the shroud I already have going - I had it in for a bit at the beginning while playtesting actually. Vernal Equinox scares me, but I also like the risk of using Hypergenesis, so why not? I'd be fine using the Tethered Griffin and it would make a great low cmc creature to have. Plea for Guidance is a must-have. It'll be going in for sure.
For your final, all of those are cool options, and ones I would definitely come back to if I go a more creature-focused route. By the way, Pemmin's Aura totally reminds me of Zephid's Embrace - I'm not sure which one I like better.
October 10, 2016 3:56 p.m. Edited.
discipleofgary73 says... #9
@n0bunga I like the way you think. I always felt flicker never got to see it's full potential. They would be an awesome pair to fetch with Defense of the Heart, so they're definitely worth heavy consideration. I need to think about how my mana ramp is working around turn seven and if I need something that would accelerate it so much.
October 10, 2016 3:59 p.m.
DaringApprentice says... #10
Glad some of the suggestions were useful, discipleofgary73! Good reasoning on your choices, no need to make the deck too creature-heavy, that's just where my mind goes often (that's what I get for playing in the Legions era, lol). One thing that goes against Aegis of the Gods is that it's vulnerable to both creature and enchantment removal, where Ivory Mask is only vulnerable to the latter, so it's really your choice which is better for your deck. Also, if you're looking for more cards like Song of the Dryads, there's also Imprisoned in the Moon and Lignify.
n0bunga has some good suggestions for infinite combos, I first saw some of these in videos like this one: I think you could replace Palinchron with Peregrine Drake to combo with Deadeye Navigator, as it's a bit cheaper.
October 10, 2016 6:42 p.m.
DaringApprentice says... #11
Also, Zephid's Embrace is pretty neat, don't think I've seen it before. Pemmin's Aura is nice for untapping, but if you're just focused on flying and shroud, Zephid's Embrace looks like that's where it's at!
October 10, 2016 7:09 p.m.
Parallax Wave + Opalescence Is hey, I'm gonna exile all your things and stuff and t'ings. Parallax Wave if you feel really douchey. Those seem to be really strong.
January 13, 2017 2:25 p.m.
Do you think White Green would ever be better than Bant Enchantress (making a Selesnya variant of Enchantress of my own)
March 28, 2017 3:22 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #14
@wyatt0781 -- It's hard to say with some of the new sets that came out, but when I was first scouring gatherer for cards to use, green had limited (albeit powerful) options compared to black for enchantress (which I realize you didn't ask about, but black is worth mentioning as an option). The best color combo for the commander itself is still probably WUB, (Zur the Enchanter and Ertai, the Corrupted). Black has some pretty powerful enchantment options, especially with the Daxos the Returned commander deck that came out in 2015. WUB or WB do need some balancing though, because most will be detrimental to the owner.
As far as just WG goes, the color I cut most when making this was probably blue - I think there should still be enough options with just WG to make a full commander deck out of. Balancing WG should be easy. There are a lot of directions to take enchantress decks in, and I used blue for the control and specifically to leverage Enchanted Evening.
To finally get around to directly answering, yes I thing WG could be as good or better than Bant. I think for it to be so, though, it would need to have a higher amount of creatures and probably utilize more from the Theros set. Some of the recommendations DaringApprentice made should be helpful towards that end!
March 28, 2017 8:08 p.m.
discipleofgary73 Can you look over the list I made? Its a prototype but I think it has potential
March 28, 2017 10:02 p.m.
Also it was meant to be sort of budget but at some point Academy Rector and Replenish would make there way in there, as well Serra Sanctum
March 28, 2017 10:04 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #17
wyatt0781 - I was looking at it when you posted, haha! Sorry it took a while and if me editing it (I can never format everything right on the first try - or second haha) spammed you with suggestions or notifications. I hope it helps, and feel free to follow-up with me on anything!
March 28, 2017 10:57 p.m.
KayneMarco says... #18
Just a heads up in case you aren’t aware. If you have out Enchanted Evening and starfield of nyx your lands go bye, bye. Ran both in my bantchantress deck until someone pointed this out to me.
November 16, 2018 1:18 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #19
KayneMarco Haha I remember the first time I got both out and realized I suddenly had a bunch of 0/0s and a personal Armageddon! My friends had a good time that match.
November 16, 2018 3:16 p.m.
jasonkrivera says... #20
On the other hand, Opalescence + Enchanted Evening kills everyone's lands. If you're masochistic like that.
January 9, 2019 12:36 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #22
jasonkrivera I have never been quiet that evil (though my friends would probably say otherwise). The opalescence suggestion just reminded me of one of the Ravnica spoilers, Rampage of the Clans, though that would wipe be all things with enchanted evening out. Suddenly centaur arena - whoever had out the most permanents has the advantage! Definitely a funny way to board wipe in multiplayer.
January 9, 2019 4:35 p.m.
What if you put in an Omniscience ? You seem to have a ton of card draw but not enough mana to get the cards you draw onto the battlefield. Maybe replace Sylvan Scrying with something like Caravan Vigil or Rampant Growth .
February 2, 2021 2:10 p.m.
Oh and I have a couple more good enchantments that would go great in your deck.
First, Smothering Tithe would help you ramp into larger spells at a rapid rate all while boosting your commander.
I did a couple of test runs using playtest and some decks could kill you before you got to build your fort. Maybe run Propaganda and/or Ghostly Prison to prevent people from attacking early on.
Last thing, maybe consider a couple of curse enchantments as they could give others incentive not to attack you.
February 2, 2021 2:24 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #25
Thanks for the great suggestions! Omniscience is definitely a powerful additions and a nice alternative to the mana-doublers/triplers. Sylvan Scrying is in solely to have a fetch option for Sara's Sanctum, though more ramp options certainly wouldn't hurt a deck setup like this.
Smothering tithe is something I need to work in!I wasn't playing much that year and totally spaced it. The price point on that card has only been going up, but I do have one I can shift around from other decks.
As for for the other tax-to-attack enchantments, I'll admit there are some times with fast weenie decks where a lower CMC one would help, but sphere of safety tends to be sufficient in my play group.
And Curses!!! My original love haha. Definitely the ones that give perks for attacking a target rather than debilitating an opponent. I think I originally had
Curse of Exhaustion
in, but that ended up feeling too mean, especially if kismet was also out. But if people are down to be cruel, then why not.
Thanks again!!!
@YourGod says... #1
You should add Propaganda to the deck.
April 24, 2016 4:54 p.m.