Won first place at FNM last night with the deck! Everything is working great!
Hi, this is my attempt at a competitive heroic prowess budget standard deck. It's all about speed, you should be able to completely destroy your opponent in just a few turns. A normal game be should something like:
Turn 1: Mountain into Monastery Swiftspear or Plains into Soldier of the Pantheon.
Turn 2: Plains or Mountain and either Soldier of the Pantheon
Titan's Strength
Seeker of the Way
, or Lightning Strike.
Turn 3: Plains or Mountain into Goblin Rabblemaster or Anax and Cymede.
Turn 4: Hit your opponent hard with Gods Willing, Lightning Strike,
Rouse the Mob
Ride Down
or a combination of these.
Monastery Swiftspear: Amazing aggro card and the ideal first play.
Soldier of the Pantheon]: Another one-drop, 2/1 for 1 mana, and a nightmare for multi-colored decks.
Seeker of the Way: Lifelink is amazing since he will be huge from all the nocreature spells.
[[Goblin Rabblemaster: Absolutely a must for any red aggro deck. It can easily win the game on its own if your opponent can't get rid of it.
Anax and Cymede: Heroic ability is devastating when you have other creatures out. Works amazing with prowess creatures since they will get +2/+2 and trample when you trigger his ability. Also works great with Goblin Rabblemasters tokens. Lastly, the vigilance and first strike are nothing to laugh at.
Titan's Strength: Extremely explosive for a one drop, works great with prowess, triggers Anax and Cymede, and the scry is awesome.
Rouse the Mob
: Another incredible one drop that triggers prowess and Anax and Cymede, and gives your huge creatures trample. Also, the strive is sweet for when you have extra mana.
Gods Willing: Yet another one drop that can save your creatures or give them that extra boost and make them unblockable. Again, the scry is always nice.
Ride Down
: Attack, destroy the blocking creature, deal damage anyway, and trigger prowess. Yes please!!!
Lightning Strike: Basic but still a handy card to have. Can be used as removal or a more damage. Also triggers prowess.
For the sideboard I just threw together some cards that might be better for some match ups. It's tricky because taking anything out messes it all up. For instance, replacing the noncreatue spells makes Anax and Cymede almost useless and taking out the prowess creatures makes the noncreature spells not as good. So you gotta be careful when side boarding or you risk screwing up the whole deck.
Thanks for checking the deck out, if you like it please +1. I will read and try to respond to any recommendations/criticism.