williamstrahan says... #2
Oh yes, I forgot to change the sideboard. I'll have to figure out what I want on it. As for your suggestions, I prefer Lightning Strike to Stoke the Flames because it costs a single color and it's only 2 mana. Also, to me Stoke the Flames seems kinda slow for this deck since it costs 4 mana and I will usually be attacking with my creatures vs tapping them to pay for its cost. Next, War-Name Aspirant is a pretty beast card but I think Rouse the Mob is better in my deck because it triggers prowess and heroic abilities and it's trample is awesome. I don't know, that's just my thinking. I could very well be wrong. Thanks tons for the suggestions SwaggyMcSwagglepants, I'll think of these cards while I'm testing the deck out.
October 8, 2014 10:57 p.m.
ToTheMaxTG says... #4
How is this worth 13$?? Goblin Rabblemaster is worth 20-25$....
October 8, 2014 11:23 p.m.
williamstrahan says... #5
I originally had Fabled Hero in the deck but I was having mana problems because of its cost. Unfortunately I cannot afford painlands or fetch lands atm (spent all my money on the goblin rabblemasters) so I replaced it with Soldier of the Pantheon .
October 9, 2014 8:52 a.m.
Subject134127 says... #6
Anax and Cymede
is legendary, so you might run into problems where you can't cast it. You could exchange 1 or 2 of those for the Fabled Hero
, because 1WW shouldn't be much harder to cast than 1RW.
You might want to consider Coordinated Assault
as it targets 2 heroics for R, and first strike is really nice to keep your creatures alive while they're trampling.
October 9, 2014 10:28 a.m.
williamstrahan says... #7
Hm, good point. I might run into problems with anax and cymede. I think I'm gonna play test the deck and see how often I get stuck with 1 in my hand and 1 on the battlefield.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #1
Why is there Jeskai Ascendancy and Charm in your side if you have no blue mana sources?
I'd run Stoke the Flames in place of Lightning Strike and War-Name Aspirant instead of Rouse the Mob
October 8, 2014 7:22 p.m.