+1 For the Monty Python joke alone. XD Really like this deck even though I don't play black. Also love how your mind works, you sound like you'd be fun to play with. :)
February 16, 2020 10:45 p.m.
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is an amazing card in the 99 for this deck, as is Lord of Extinction and Vulturous Zombie
March 3, 2020 11:35 a.m.
Poly_raptor says... #8
Great name.
I’m not dead!
He says he’s not dead.
Well he will be soon he’s very ill.
I’m getting better
April 22, 2020 7:04 a.m.
I am a player who loves my graveyard ... I have more competitive decks: Meren lord of the undead - Gitrog The Bogeyland - Muldrotha Competitive/Stax and others more goodstuff with land-theme Taisigur Lands Matter - Muldrotha Land Power!
There's a card that the commander's guys don't give much value but is stupidly strong on a Meren deck: Skirsdag High Priest! Try matching with Apprentice Necromancer and you have two friends for life!
You can test putting more zombies like Mikaeus, the Unhallowed; Diregraf Colossus; Plague Belcher; Sidisi, Undead Vizier to give more strength to your zombie-combo!
I don't see much use to Seedborn Muse and Underworld Dreams. Be very careful with The Gitrog Monster because you don't have a lans-reanimator like Crucible of Worlds or Ramunap Excavator ... having a Life from the Loam would be a good help ...
I hope I could have been useful! Continue this journey of digging up the dead! Muuuahahah!
May 14, 2020 8:54 a.m.
AngelDiscarnate says... #10
tiagompm Thanks for the tips. I have several of those suggestions in my collection, I may have to test out some fun things in the future for sure. :D
As for Muse, Dreams, and Gitrog. The muse has put in work with my Atzal reanimation, in games where I don't find Deserted Temple. The other two are basically filler for now. I've never sac'd a land to keep the frog. I use Atzal to bring him back for dropping extra lands and Meren to bring him back as a beefcake blocker if needed. :D I wanted to possibly get an excavator for the deck, just in case. I guess we'll see what the future brings.
ScionsStillLive says... #1
I'm not quite dead! I'm getting better!
December 3, 2019 6:45 a.m.