LusciousCabbage I traded Devout Invocation today for another Fabled Hero . You are right on the fact it messes up the curve. It was really just there as a giggle kind of thing. A placeholder, if you will. Needed something there until i could get something better. XD Which I now have. Btw, do you maybe have any suggestions? Greatly appreciated.
July 11, 2014 4:51 p.m.
+1 from me, like your deck
Is the scry from Temple of Plenty worth it? I mean, it obviously slows you down... Other than that, I don't know how to improve your maindeck.
Revoke Existence is a great sideboard card against the upcoming artifact wave, Hushwing Gryff would shut down black and blue devotion (a bit) and Glare of Heresy could be very efficient against white decks.
July 15, 2014 2:28 p.m.
cmbrYeah i need to get my hands on a Hushwing Gryff or two. I will keep in mind the other two. I have those two. And its sort of in there for testing at the moment. It hasnt messed with the speed honestly. I always have another plains in my hand, so i mean i can drop a small creature and then if its not heroic, i usually dont have to worry about being slowed by mana.
July 15, 2014 2:50 p.m.
Alphamew17 says... #7
Seeing as how you have things like mortal's ardor and swift justice, do you really need the eidolon of hope? You could probably replace those with Preeminent Captain or Brimaz, King of Oreskos. It'd probably be best to replace those with 3 Brimaz or 2 Brima ans 1 Heliod to make the god more likely to appear
August 6, 2014 11:42 a.m.
Alphamew17 Yeah I am working on getting Brimaz. What I do with these decks is I make them exactly like mine in real life. However, I like Hopeful Eidolon because if I get that on turn one, and put an Ordeal of Heliod on it turn two, in two turns im swinging with a 4/4 lifelinker. By turn four on that, id have 39 life alone from that. I have a lot more other life gain options as well as this one. And ive met people where at that point they just scoop out of anger. And if im topdecking it when i have a lot of mana, I could give a good creature like Fabled Hero lifelink and +1+1. Not to mention that triggers his heroic. If I was gonna sub something out for three Brimaz it would be my Hall of Triumph , and then maybe my two Dawnbringer Charioteers . But also, I will have some things rotating out of this deck soon, so I will probably put in other bombs too. And new heroic stuff. Thanks for the comment and advice though. You do have a good point. When stuff rotates, it will be getting another Heliod and other stuff. I gotta get to another FNM to do some trading! XD
August 6, 2014 5:39 p.m.
With all of that lifelink, may I humbly suggest Sunbond ? Also, Eidolon of Countless Battles really seems to want to be in this deck. Take a look at my similar deck (Praise the Sun) - I'd love to hear your thoughts on it as well!
August 16, 2014 1:13 a.m.
Since the elspeths are such high cost for a quick deck, i would recommend putting in an Ajani, Caller of the Pride because you can play that and then minus three him for a double strike flyer for the win. Also, for an enchantment i would recommend Ethereal Armor because it can really beef up a creature plus it gives first strike for only one white mana. Also, you can think about adding in Hero of Iroas because it will make all of your auras 1 mana cheaper for each hero of iroas out so you can play several enchantments turn three if you got him out turn two.
August 16, 2014 1:18 a.m.
Defpotec my only issue with Sunbond is the mana cost. Its not ideal, and if I was looking for something with that effect, id throw in an Archangel of Thune . however, seeing as how its close to rotation time, theres no point. But, Eidolon of Countless Battles is something im hoping to come across. Thanks for the suggestion!!!
August 16, 2014 1:19 a.m.
gjb1147 Yeah I need to change that Elspeth, Sun's Champion is no longer in the deck. She's in my control deck Scoop Time. Ethereal Armor is also about to rotate, but ive got easy access to that, unlike Archangel of Thune. Hero of Iroas isnt a thing i wanna use cause i dont have a whole lot of auras. Thanks for the feedback!!!
August 16, 2014 1:40 a.m.
JediCreed94 says... #15
Not bad! I got 20 damage done at a price of 5 life from the painlands at turn 5 the first time, and then a much less painful 20 damage done at turn 6 or 7 after that. I'd like to see how our heroics match up.
October 14, 2014 7:01 p.m.
This looks good to me. Will you be running Monastery Mentor? I am in my list (The New Jeskai Tokens). I think it has great potential.
January 2, 2015 2:41 p.m.
TheHroth I will be playtesting proxies soon. I love Soulfire, so I threw him in because now Lightning Strike is basically a Lightning Helix. I think the additional tokens with prowess will be the shit. So more than likely, yeah. :) Thank you for bringing that card to my attention!
LusciousCabbage says... #1
So I was checking out this deck to see what it's got, and I gotta say it looks pretty nice. Although I'm a little confused as to why Devout Invocation is in there. It wrecks your curve pretty bad and 7 mana is a little steep for an aggro deck, even with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx .
July 11, 2014 5:01 a.m.