
G/W aggro/Savannah Lions and Bears with Up-side

Simple aggro deck with small synergies. I dump my hand get to 5 mana and win. Because of Boon Satyr, Fleecemane Lion, and Sunblade Elf 5 mana is where i want to be. As of 2/13/15 I have won my last 2 FNMs.


Soldier of the Pantheon- The reason we have a good match up against wedge decks. Protection and life gain and a 2/1.

Sunblade Elf- 2/2 for one and the late game win-con.

Mardu Woe-Reaper- The 5-8 soldier of the Pantheon but also gives us an edge vs other aggro and whip/graveyard decks.

Erase- Slowly becoming a white main-board staple. It is dead in very few match-ups and can surprise an opponent for an easy win.

Gather Courage- Only a one-of main but could easily become 4 if caryatid and courser become bigger in my local meta. Also very good against burn and bile blight.


The Two-drops in this deck are the bread and butter each filling the same roll and serving a different purpose when needed.

Fleecemane Lion- The main reason people play G/W. 3/3 for 2 is always good and has the possibility of monstrosity. He is good against burn opponents that brought in wild slash and magma spray.

Heir of the Wilds- The most unassuming Two-drop. The death touch allows him to get through caryatids and coursers while blocking polukranos profitably.

Seeker of the Way- He has shown his worth in U/W Heroic and Jeskai. He serves the same purpose here. While he usually can't get 2 prowess triggers the life gain and threat of being pumped make him worth a spot.

Raise the Alarm- Prowess trigger, instant speed blockers. It works well with spear and sunblade elf. This can give the ability to go wide that wins the game in a gummed up board.

Valorous Stance- Removal and protection in one. Also a goodd card to sideboard out against aggro but, it is live in most other match ups.

The Rest

Spear of Heliod- All-star in the deck many times brings my creatures up past burn range and can give me the edge in the aggro match up also can be good defense against big mid-range creatures.

Banishing Light- Top of the curve allows us a catch all removal spell to help finish out the game.

Boon Satyr- Can be a quick flash creature or a combat trick to finish the game.

Become Immense- Big finisher, one-of to surprise win the game.


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Since I have won my last 2 FNMs I feel the deck deserves an in depth look at why it is good.

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 6 Rares

17 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.89
Tokens Soldier 1/1 W
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