metall6010 says... #2
Devouring Light, Oreskos Swiftclaw, and Gods Willing are great in aggro for white. And in green I like Mistcutter Hydra as a surprise haste creature, there aren't many in G/W.
December 9, 2014 9:14 p.m.
Titanic Growth is good but i have enough 2 drops and its effect is a little weak for the mana. I like Become Immense as a surprise I win card. Swordwise Centaur is decent but is too hard to cast turn 2. Devouring Light is double white making it harder to cast and I would rather just banishing light before attackers to get more damage in. Oreskos Swiftclaw is what i want to be doing but I already have so many better 2 drops it seems redundant. Gods Willing is good and I have tested it against black and green decks, It seems to just sit in my hand as most of my creatures are not worth saving. Mistcutter Hydra will come in when blue becomes good but most of the control decks are mostly black and temur doesn't have many blue threats that block anyway.
December 10, 2014 9:28 a.m.
Have you tried to cut the Blossoming Sands for basic lands and increased speed?
February 27, 2015 6:49 p.m.
Actually at FNM last night I did have some hands where my only lands where a plains and a Blossoming Sands and I had woe-reaper and 2 drops and it was a little awkward but the thing is it is better than it being a plains. I would put in Mana Confluence but they are in a deck my friends is using right now. I think I have the right number of taplands right now to get one or 2 a game and they don't mess up my tempo too bad.
February 28, 2015 2:25 p.m.
Curving at 3, asking for double white AND double green on turn 3, but only running 19 land. Seems scary to me. I guess it works for you, but how often are you mulling?
March 4, 2015 9:30 a.m.
I would have to say the land is pretty good. If I have 2-3 lands in my hand I can usually play everything on time. Also Boon Satyr is rarely a turn 3 play (In fact I have only hard cast him twice at actual FNM). I usually mulligan any hand with one forest or one plains and no one drops. Also if I don't get the 3rd land on turn 3 it is fine I just play out my hand until the Spear of Heliod comes down eventually. I suggest play-testing to see how it plays.
mcbeetls says... #1
Titanic Growth, Become Immense or Swordwise Centaur are good cards
December 9, 2014 8:08 p.m.