Goblin Smackdown!!!

Modern Nitrobadger


sliversftw says... #8

A card you might want to consider is Hordeling Outburst.

March 27, 2016 1:30 p.m.

Nitrobadger says... #9

sliversftw I've tried running Hordeling Outburst in the past but I always felt like it played to slow. My 3rd turn is usually better used playing a Blood Moon or a Goblin Chieftain than a 3 mana token spammer. Thank you for the suggestion though!

March 27, 2016 4:10 p.m.

GrandMeekster says... #10

Nitrobadger, I love this deck. I can't believe rabblemaster went down so much in price! I have a goblin deck myself, and it's so much fun to see the look on my friends faces when I tell them I'm hitting them for 16 or so lol.

Some cards I found fun to use:

Zada, Hedron Grinder. Now, if i'm correct about this card (and I really hope I am), if you Goblin Grenade Zada with a couple of goblins on the field, that will be a whole world of hurt. I could be wrong though, since it might not target Zada, which is a total waste.

Eldrazi Monument and Obelisk of Urd are really fun cards to use if you can manage to keep alot of goblins on the field for awhile. My goblin deck is more token-centric, so these anthems are really useful for my little guys

March 27, 2016 9:04 p.m.

Nitrobadger says... #11

@GrandMeekster Sup fellow goblin player! The hilarious thing is I used to play Obelisk of Urd in this deck . I decided to switch over to a more creature oriented because it felt a hell of a lot more consistent to me. I'm defs gonna maybe board/ pick up some Zadas for more casual games! Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll check out your deck too lol.

March 27, 2016 9:16 p.m.

Nitrobadger says... #12

GrandMeekster oh shit lol I thought u had it posted srry

March 27, 2016 9:25 p.m.

GrandMeekster says... #13

My bad Nitrobadger, I don't feel the need to post it because it's still in the works and also it's in no way competitive, strictly table magic material. I also looked up the rules for Zada, it turns out Goblin Grenade doesn't target it, so that's a bust :( Well, looks like i'll be putting back my guttersnipes then...

April 1, 2016 10:59 a.m.

sinkykuz says... #14

have you thought of trying foundry street denizen? runnin it wit coco would be pretty boss giving it a bit of a pump.

September 1, 2016 11:37 p.m.

Nitrobadger says... #15

sinkykuz I'm gonna experiment with it but idk i never really liked the card for some reason lol. Just a personal thing. I can see why its really good though. i feel like the deck kinda wants to be like merfolk or elves and win by buffing crap with more crap. I appreciate the suggestion!

September 2, 2016 1:31 a.m. Edited.

sinkykuz says... #16

since you are also running green, hungry sprigging and vexing shusher could work well with what you are trying to accomplish here :)

September 2, 2016 11:45 p.m.

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