Volrath the Risen

Commander / EDH linksdeity

SCORE: 580 | 231 COMMENTS | 111694 VIEWS | IN 202 FOLDERS

CastleSiege says... #1

This deck is bloody awesome! +1 :D

October 20, 2014 1:43 a.m.

nerdamus says... #2

Massive props for this deck! I totally dig it. Timmy/johnny power!

October 22, 2014 9:22 a.m.

zachwho says... #3

Ooh I'm really liking this deck!! Just getting back into mtg and there's strong commander presence here locally. When I was playing actively I loved cards like volrath. Do you have anymore updates for this list? Any room for Hatred ?

November 10, 2014 11:46 p.m.

Death's Shadow would be nice to throw with Volrath.

November 12, 2014 5:55 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #5


It goes off of CMC, not power

November 14, 2014 9:27 a.m.

Madruga says... #6

Shedding manly tears here... I just love monoblack and this deck is a thing of beauty. Kudos for using Volrath, one of the best villains MtG has ever seen!

November 21, 2014 7:53 a.m.

SomeDipshit says... #7

Maybe consider Void Maw for some grave control and another great beater (especially since board wipes are so easy)

Petrified Field is a great inclusion for most Black decks!

December 1, 2014 7:02 a.m.

linksdeity says... #8

Thanks for the votes and props! :)

illumfolly, Void Maw is very cool, and great synergy in almost any black deck. The only problem is it's contesting for a slot currently taken up by Ob Nixilis, Unshackled and previously by Grave Titan. If I can open up another slot for a creature, it will definitely see some testing!

I recently acquired a Petrified Field and have debated main-decking it, and putting Cavern of Souls into the sideboard along with Homeward Path. Being able to get a second shot at Marit Lage, or just grab a Strip Mined Cabal Coffers would be nice. I am also considering Grim Discovery

Thanks for the suggestions!

December 3, 2014 8:13 a.m.

ijonu says... #9

Have you thought about Underworld Connections over Greed? +1 awesome deck! Love the pimpin' and effort.

December 9, 2014 10:34 p.m.

TheMercadian says... #10

scrotality This deck is mean man, Volrath is wicked.

January 1, 2015 12:56 p.m.

Kozelek says... #11

Where is volrath's favorite "whipping boy" Commander Greven il-Vec? I know he don't add as much to the deck as others but flavor wise he is the best card for the deck

January 5, 2015 10:50 p.m.

griffstick says... #12

I built a deck with the same cocept but i use Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts as my commander. Cleary you have a much better build them mine but i can use some of what you got here fir ideas. Beautiful deck you got here +1. If you want to take a look at what i got so far here it is Ronda Rousey and her "3 piece combo" and i have one suggestion Hatred

January 13, 2015 5:08 p.m.

so now that the new set is out, what are your thoughts on it? i looked at Palace Siege and thought it was another sheoldred. thoughts?

January 24, 2015 6:42 a.m.

linksdeity says... #14

I think that Palace Siege is ok. It's a little too expensive to justify either of its modes, and its graveyard mode is outclassed by things like Phyrexian Reclamation, Strands of Night, and of course Sheoldred, Whispering One. It also isn't a "maybe" effect, so you risk losing a Filth or other card you want to be in your yard. The life loss mode might be nice in a big game, but it's not enough value to justify the target it puts on your head.

I would say it is an ok budget choice, but is a little too clunky for me to want to run it.

The set as a whole has me a little disappointed. Black is really getting hit hard with the focus on exiling graveyards. I look forward to testing out Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and potentially Ghastly Conscription for fun.

January 24, 2015 12:11 p.m.

griffstick says... #15

January 24, 2015 1:10 p.m.

griffstick says... #16

Dark Prophecy + Mortuary , or

Grim Haruspex + Mortuary , or

Harvester of Souls + Mortuary .

I thought of this the other night and im gonna find a way to use this combo i think its a great combo exspecically for you. Tell me what you think. Because they go off at the same time you choose how they stack. Mortuary first then one of the others to rrturn them to your hand.

January 24, 2015 1:43 p.m.

griffstick says... #17

Sorry with Deathrender its infinant

January 24, 2015 2:04 p.m.

llamaglama01 says... #18

Why are you running Greed and/or Phyrexian Arena over Necropotence? Also, I might consider a bit of Reanimateion and Animate Dead as alternate win cons. Sorry if you've already answered these questions. +1!

January 25, 2015 7:29 p.m.

linksdeity says... #19

The issue with Necropotence is that it causes you to exile anything you discard, and that's really bad synergy in this deck. Phyrexian Arena is an amazing card in its own right and I would run it alongside Necropotence, not in its place. Greed is very underrated draw, one mana to draw at instant speed is invaluable (If you like Necropotence you already don't care about life loss)

I love reanimation, but for three big reasons I avoid things like Reanimate

  • Re-curable effects like Strands of Night are significantly better in EDH/Commander
  • I purposely avoid relying too much on my graveyard. When players see my deck and Commander they are usually quick to find things like Bajuka Bog.
  • Sorcery speed reanimation is not great with the big Eldrazi going into the Graveyard.

So, in lieu of traditional reanimation I use things like Quicksilver Amulet, Summoner's Egg, and Triassic Egg which have all been outstanding in the deck. And of course I have access to my share of Graveyard shenanigans like Sheoldred, Whispering One, Phyrexian Reclamation, Strands of Night, Volrath's Stronghold, and the rare but awesome Liliana Vess ultimate

January 25, 2015 8:51 p.m.

llamaglama01 says... #20

I see your point about reanimation things. I just realized about volraths effect and Necropotences discard thing ;-)

January 25, 2015 11:31 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #21

You really need to clear the comments, deck looks good. +1

February 21, 2015 2:51 p.m.

RobNacho says... #22

Great collection, great deck. Have my +1. Hello from a fellow imgurian!!!

February 25, 2015 8:19 p.m.

Sainted says... #23

I need to know how you got a dancing MC hammer on there. also how you did the IMGUR album embed thing.

also. nice deck. First Volrath ive ever seen

February 26, 2015 8:34 p.m.

Halfgodz says... #24

What do you think of the following cards for your deck:Rise of the Dark Realms,Dread Return,Fated Return,Dread Cacodemon,Reiver Demon,Drown in Sorrow

March 7, 2015 4:36 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #25

You seem a bit low on evasion for a voltron deck. Maybe try out a couple of these? Cover of Darkness, Nim Deathmantle, Sleeper's Guile, Trailblazer's Boots

Also Oversold Cemetery and the new Palace Siege seem like they'd be great in here.

March 17, 2015 12:35 a.m.

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