Friends enjoy playing stupid combo decks? Look no further! Lock the game down! Don't let your opponents play magic! Then slowly grind out victory through commander damage, flying in with a few big dudes, or just drown out your opponents with v a l u e. Armageddon and Cataclysm are gross and are cast when they set me ahead (w/ GA on the field and playing a land after them), Helm/RIP combo mills entire decks into exile, and capsize is a pet card of mine that has won me many games by tilting out my opponents.

Change log 1/26/2019 - Huh, after editing the deck multiple times I figure keeping a change log /edit list miiight be useful, who knows.

-Render Silent, + Arcane Denial

-Rewind, + Spell Pierce

-Insidious Will, + Muddle the Mixture

These three changes were simple, just lowering the curve of my counters to keep up with a faster meta (plus muddle's transmute tutor is pretty dece)

-Arcane Lighthouse, +Flagstones of Trokair

Arcane seemed okay on paper, but never actually did anything. Flagstones is another card that seems okay on paper, doesn't come into play tapped and with the mass land destruction I do it can help put me ahead further.

-Darksteel Ingot, + Mana Vault

Better mana rock, and darksteel was probably my worst one.

-Draining Whelk, +Torrential Gearhulk

Same CMC, fulfills similar niches, but Torrential provides more options than the whelk does, provided I have cards in the GY (and I should)

-Elixir of Immortality, + Crucible of Worlds

-Eidolon of rhetoric, + Aven Mindcensor

-Tidespout Tyrant, + Deputy of Detention

-Spelltwine, + Dig Through Time

the 4 cards I've removed worked well for me in the past, but they haven't done much in recent games, not including the eidolon which was a more recent addition that I never actually used. Crucible's good here, but not as good as it could be if I had a strip mine (on the list I swear.) and Deputy looks interesting, but we'll see how it fares to the OG (still need to pick that one up too). RIP Tidespout, you were great and tilt-inducing while you were played. Maybe again one day.

Changelog 3/15/2019 Welp, here we are again folks. More edits, lets go.

-Opt, -Serum Visions, + Tezzeret the Seeker, +Fabricate

Less cantrips and card selection for tutors, seems fine.

-Deputy of Detention, +Detention Sphere

Sphere's better than the deputy here, less likely to be removed

-Faith's reward, -summary dismissal, +Mana Leak, +Whir of invention

Faith's reward was fun, but a dead card in hand if I didn't have anything that worked with it. Summary dismissal was swapped out for Mana Leak and Whir took the spot of Faith's reward to get my combo win-con late game.

-Sphinx of Uthuun, -Rite of Replication, +Gilded Drake, +Snapcaster Mage

Snappy is real good and so is Gilded, took out stuff that wasn't as good.

-Kismet, -Frozen Aether, -Leyline of Anticipation, +Rest in Peace, +Helm of Obedience, +Land Tax

Took out stuff that didn't matter anymore and put in a popular win-con, along with Land Tax

-Ghost Quarter, -Nimbus Maze, +Strip Mine +Ancient Tomb

no brainer here.

Changelog 3/28/19

In Mana crypt, chrome Mox, lotus petal

Out gilded lotus, coalition relic, luminarch Ascension


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.58
Tokens Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Treasure
Ignored suggestions
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