Eldrazi Tron

Modern rogelio


Tapped Out FNM Modern —April 14, 2017

Brought the deck in for its first tournament. My paper deck actually isn't optimized yet; I was lacking on one Karn and one Ballista, and I didn't have my Surgical Extractions for the sideboard yet. In the meantime, I ran a Sundering Titan instead of the Ballista and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger instead of Karn. My Surgicals were substituted by an additional Warping Wail and a Rogue's Passage because I really had nothing else to make it a full 15.

I went 2-2 last night; a good chunk of it was inexperience, both in matchups and in the deck itself, but I learned from my mistakes and I'm raring to go for the next tournament.

R1 Bant Eldrazi 1-2, went super close but misplayed with Ugin out; I could have +2'd him for lethal but I wasn't paying attention to his life total so I prioritized getting rid of his World Breaker and bolted it instead after it blocked my Reality Smasher, then he topdecked his own Reality Smasher and took the game.

R2 RG Burn 2-0, scooped game 1 when I dropped Batterskull, played nicely on curve game 2.

R3 BW 8 Rack 2-0, Nothing came out game 1 except for a Lili of the Veil and a Myth Realized, game 2 I got racked down to 8 but Sundering Titan'd him and then machine gunned him for lethal with Walking Ballista.

R4 Knightfall 0-2, had answers for all my threats and swung in with fliers and 9/9 knights, then game 2 my deck decided it was done and didn't give me any lands until I mulled to 4.

I really like Ulamog, I might keep him in the deck. Sundering Titan can blow games out too, so I'll be playing around with the two. I'm wondering if I really even need a second Karn, but I'll see.

Apart from the first and last games, I'm pretty happy with how I ran the deck. There were places where I could have made some better choices, but overall I'm feeling good. I might bring it to a GPT this weekend and see how it plays in a more aggro to midrange meta.