An attempt to build a semi-competitive FNM deck with zombies.
A little about the deck:
First off, I have never written up anything like this before, so bear with me as I attempt to explain the deck.
Well as you can see we are playing with a lot of zombie creatures in hopes of flooding the board with zombies, zombies and more zombies and growing them larger. My favorite workhorses in this deck are Diregraf Colossus and Gravecrawler. If you can safely play a Diregraf and have him stick around for a few turns while you play more zombies, your zombies can start to become pretty overwhelming to your opponent. At which point it's fairly easy to close out games.
The deck does rely a bit on the graveyard and thus is susceptible to graveyard hate cards like Leyline of the Void and Rest in Peace. These cards can stall you out pretty bad sometimes, however you're not completely at a loss if you cannot deal with them. It just makes it much more difficult. To help against graveyard hate cards and a few other things, we play Golgari Charm and Inquisition of Kozilek. The charm works great at removing the hate cards after they're in play and the IoK helps to grab them out of the opponents hands before they get played. I'm sure most of you already know the power of IoK as well. It's just a very good card in modern. The charm can also be great against token decks as well as keeping your zombies alive if your opponent plays a board wipe card.
The deck features a bit of removal cards as well to help you maintain more control of the board. Abrupt Decay is just a fantastic instant and Maelstrom Pulse a bit slower, but allows you to get rid of a lot of different threats your opponent might pose. On top of that there are some creature removal cards also.
Stillmoon Cavalier
is really good as it cannot be targeted by Paths, white exile cards or any black removal cards. Lord of the Undead is a great zombie booster and if he can stay out long enough, he let's you bring back any zombie in your graveyard to your hand. This is great! However this guy gets targeted often with removal. Which is still not terrible as he grows your Diregraf Colossus from being in your graveyard. Quest for the Gravelord is currently in the deck mostly to help activate "Delirium" for Traverse the Ulvenwald but also helps add a threat to the board fairly often. Traverse the Ulvenwald is a neat card and I've wanted it to be able to work in this deck. However after a bit of play testing it's not showing to be the card I want it to be. Delirium is rarely active in this deck making Traverse a boring basic land tutor. I will probably end up removing it all together soon.
Bad Moon
is in here for the same reason as Quest for the Gravelord, but also to help pump your zombies. Relentless Dead was not that special at first testings but has shown to be a fairly decent card. It's very easy to return him to your hand when he dies and the "Menace" ability is great!
The deck has a couple win conditions. The first being just flooding out your opponent with zombies. Another good way to stay in games longer and pose more threat is with Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Most players call him "Gary" these days. Gary can end games if your devotion is high enough. He's great to have in the deck. I've also added Sidisi, Undead Vizier to the deck to act as a tutor to grab one of the larger finisher creatures in the deck. Currently I am play testing with finishers to see which I like best. Helldozer is pretty funny and can actually do a bit of work removing your opponents lands and still act as a blocker or attacker. Phyrexian Obliterator is no zombie but this card is still very threatening if your opponent has no answers for it. One card I will be testing soon as an alternate tutor is Dark Petition.
Love to hear your thoughts! And please +1 UpVote if you like zombies.