Enchantress begins the game by ramping with cards like Wild Growth, Utopia Sprawl, and Exploration, all while consistently refilling your hand with Argothian Enchantress, Sythis, Harvest's Hand, & Enchantress's Presence. To get the engine moving, it is very important for opening hands to include at least 1 enchantress effect to begin drawing cards (and preferably 1-2 ramp enchantments). If your opening hand has one of these card draw effects then you can consistently combo off on turns 4-5 (the high density of cheap ramp enchantments and other enchantress effects means you can quickly increase your mana output by turns 2-3 and start drawing multiple cards for every spell cast).
The primary combo used to win with this strategy is Rest in Peace + Helm of Obedience. This plan has the added benefit of Rest in Peace by itself being a powerful hate card that can shut down several other archetypes in the format (it can be especially impactful against matchups like UR delver, which relies on its graveyard for key threats like Murktide & DRC).
The backup plan for this list when your combo isn't an option involves using a similar approach of ramping and drawing cards, then finishing the game with lands animated by Destiny Spinner.