It's pretty common knowledge that vintage players tend to use life as a resource, so they get pretty low on life a lot of the time, normally on their first turn. Of course, by the first turn, they normally win! And that's the magic of vintage.
But what if there was a way to get inbetween that Channel and that Banefire? Lightning Bolt! This trusty modern staple is amazing at killing people who've channeled all of their mana into a spell that will never come.
But wait, what if they have Lightning Bolts of their own? Well, silly, that's what Mental Misstep is for! You can counter someone else's Lightning Bolt or someone else's Mental Misstep! No wonder it's banned in Modern!
And for a sideboard card, you can take out a Mountain for a Lich's Mirror in case they get you. It's a little risky, in case you don't get the mana you need, but it's often worth it if you lose the first game. I find most decks to sputter themselves out, and by the time you drop that Mountain, they will know fear, for they know what is coming.
8th place at a local Vintage tournament, out of 8. But a very elite 8. I'm thinking original duals will really help out pushing it into seventh.